I found Herculaneum utterly fascinating. The pictures/buildings are in the order I took/saw them. They can be browsed in order starting with whichever image one wishes and then by clicking the next tag in each of the files.
Herculaneum Overview |
Inn House 1 |
Inn House 2 |
House of the Skeleton |
House of the Skeleton Tablet |
Characteristic Diagonal Patterned Brickwork |
Thermopolium at the Junction of Cardo III and Decumano Inferiore |
Decumano Inferiore |
Palaestra of the Men's Baths |
Apodyterium of the Men's Baths |
Caldarium of the Men's Baths |
Sacellum of the Hall of the Augustals |
Sacellum of the Hall of the Augustals |
Thermopolium on Decumano Massimo |
House of the Black Room - Atrium |
House of the Black Room - Peristyle |
House of the Black Room - The Black Room |
House of the Beautiful Courtyard 1 |
House of the Beautiful Courtyard 2 |
Mosaic floor of the Women's Apodyterium |
House of Neptune and Amphitrite |
House of Neptune and Amphitrite - Mosaic |
Samnite House |
Trellis House |
Bronze Herm |
Large Taberna |
House of the Corinthian Atrium |
Traffic Bollard |
House of the Relief of Telephus |
House of the Deer |