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The picture on the left shows the gully from its entrance, with the chockstone blocking progress and the rock slab, known as the Bad Step, on the right of the gully. The picture on the right shows this rock slab in detail. Standing on the rock step, one third of the way up the frame in the centre, one can grasp an excellent handhold on the top of the right-hand slab. There's a good foothold to the left of the facing slab and a reasonable one for the right foot to help on the way up. Once you've done it you'll wonder what all the fuss was about. It's a bit like going to the dentist's for a check-up and finding there's no work to be done. And there's no need for the climbers amongst you to sit there smirking! These are walker's pages! Smaller versions of these pictures.
Pike o'Blisco to Esk Pike - walk details