Sorry but after weeks of abusive messages I've had to disable posting of further reports here
A super site which I have enjoyed visiting and revisiting. I particularly like the way ascents are converted into miles - makes it much easier to work out the timings or effort required for a walk than Naismith's rule (with or without variations). It is good to compare the routes on these pages with routes I've actually done. And it is great occasionally to escape from work and via these pages imagine myself to be where I would like to be.
Joy Davies <>
Southport, Merseyside, UK - Friday, December 20, 1996 at 09:32:44 (GMT)
This is my favourite Website - wonderful photographs (though I'd like more large photos) and excellent walk descriptions. Pictures I'd like to see in the larger format include Pavey Ark - Rock face; Dow Crag from Coniston Old Man; Eel Crag from Sail; Gasgale Gill from Whiteside; Ill Bell and Froswick; Kidsty Pike and Sharp Edge - Descending. I'm always pleased to receive mail with "LD Walks Update" as Subject.
I like the equivalent mileages, maybe Naismith is good for calculating time, but this method is good for estimating effort. Personally, I find descending steep paths hard, so it would be good to have an allowance for that, too.
Barry Ellis <>
Charlbury, Oxfordshire, U.K. - Friday, December 20, 1996 at 16:10:24 (GMT)
One of the best sites on the net. An often visited inspiration for a walker living in a 'flat' county, waiting for the next holiday. Thanks John for the excellent walks, descriptions and photos to match.
Also, many thanks for your updates via e-mail.
Brian Boon <>
Chelmsford, Essex, U.K. - Friday, December 20, 1996 at 21:17:32 (GMT)
Am planning a week Shap to St. Bee's Head in Sptember 97. Would apreciate any communique as to routes different than Wainrights in the OS Coast to Coast map series. Thanks
PG Woods <>
Plant City, Florida, USA - Friday, December 27, 1996 at 19:13:26 (GMT)
Note: This is not a valid e-mail address. JD
Great to see something really useful on the Web!
keith watson <k>
london, london, UK - Friday, December 27, 1996 at 22:19:08 (GMT)
Having just completed (10/1/96) the Coast to Coast walk, I was surprised to see a lack of 'rainy day pictures' in your marvelous collection. Apparently I should consider buying a different camera. Cheers.
Robert Buckley <>
Cedar Rapids, IA, USA - Monday, December 30, 1996 at 15:18:11 (GMT)
Am going to Lake District this Jan 23, 1997. Will winter weather make this trip a mistake?
I. Kucyj <>
New York, NY, USA - Tuesday, January 07, 1997 at 02:43:55 (GMT)
It would be very nice if you could have more Walks around the Langsdale area, as I feel it is in my mind one of the very best walking areas in the country. If you do take up this comment please try and add in Stickle Tarn as it is a wonderful and challenging area.
Carl von Savageri <>
Portreath, Cornwall, England - Thursday, January 16, 1997 at 12:18:09 (GMT)
An excellent site to visit on a wet Sunday afternoon in Luton.
The walks and photographs brought back many happy memories of 10 years walking in the Lake district, particularly the photgraph of Grasmere from Loughrigg. My wife Janet and I enjoyed coffee in the moonight
on Christmas Eve after descending Loughrigg. I am sure I feel another visit to the Lakes coming soon.
By the way congratulations on the layout, and quality of the site. I am sure I will re-visit it.
David & Janet Bacon <>
Luton, Beds, England - Sunday, January 19, 1997 at 16:01:19 (GMT)
A great page John. Keep up the great work and allow me to keep going on my own virtual tours of the land I love :-)
Peter Mitchell Burgess <>
East Ham, London, UK - Thursday, February 06, 1997 at 21:00:40 (GMT)
This is a message from Nick and Noreen Taylor, Rob Atherton. Here we are drinking wine, supping beer and visiting an amazing site. Rob and Noreen have both recently made two ascents of Helvellyn and your site pictures perfectly capture the atmosphere. Keep the site going.
Nick Taylor <>
St Helens, Merseyside, England - Thursday, February 06, 1997 at 22:21:30 (GMT)
Great Page ! We are planning a September 1997 five day ramble between Penrith and Whitehaven. Any Good info re: tent camping and pub crawling welcomed. Cheers !
P.G. Woods <>
Plant City, Florida, USA - Friday, February 07, 1997 at 01:46:14 (GMT)
Note: This is not a valid e-mail address. JD
Thanks to John Dawson for quickly responding to my inquiry about Lake District weather conditions in May. There is nothing like the world wide web to obtain expert advice "on the ground" from around the world, within hours.
peter rousmaniere <>
Brookline, MA, USA - Tuesday, February 11, 1997 at 14:18:44 (GMT)
What a lovely site -- very "un-netlike" and refreshing, especially on a cold grey February evening with all the streets covered in dirty grey ice... I am planning a rather convoluted coast to coast in late April to mid-May, and I found your page useful. My real problem is deciding how to get from somewhere around Skiddaw out to the coast and then up to Carlisle. I do commend you for all the work you have put into this site, and wish you all the best. I'll be back when I have a little more time.
Ruth Pincoe <pincoe_AT_istar,ca>
Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Wednesday, February 12, 1997 at 04:08:14 (GMT)
Sylvia Laurie
Bootle, England - Wednesday, February 19, 1997 at 17:17:42 (GMT)
Please include me in your updates. I was on before but my Email address has changed. I enjoy your site so much between my trips to England. Will be doing my 4th Coast to Coast walk in July, 1997. I can hardly wait. I'm the guy to whom you gave some pretty good local advice on how not to descend down to Haweswater from Kidsty Pike but to continue Northeast on High Street to make my way to Bampton Grange.
Warmest Regards,
Lou Gunter <>
Matlacha, Fl. 33993, US - Thursday, February 27, 1997 at 02:13:34 (GMT)
Brilliant site - well worth visiting time and time again.
Philip Powell <>
Dipton, Durham, England - Friday, February 28, 1997 at 18:24:15 (GMT)
John, I'd just like to commend you on the quality and coverage of your web site. After having discovered the beauty of the Lakeland fells last year, I am missing them greatly as I have been at university in Staffordshire for the past six months, and it has been far too long since I've been to the Lakes! Your site lets me explore the whole of Lakeland when I cannot physically get there. Keep up the good work!
Paul Brown <>
Colne, Lancashire, England - Monday, March 10, 1997 at 20:49:18 (GMT)
Thanks for some brilliant walks and information about the fells here. A very interesting site to visit, again and again. I have recently achieved an ambition I've had for many years and moved to the Lake District from Lincoln. With the help of your website, I am looking forward to a lifetime of walking and exploring the lakeland fells and mountains. Hoping for a good day soon to do the Fairfield Horseshoe (following your guide).
Thanks again and keep up the good work.
Lisa Baldwin <>
Windermere, Cumbria, England - Wednesday, March 12, 1997 at 10:55:14 (GMT)
A splendid site, and a model of how these things should be done.
Would it be possible, please, in a future addition, to append some photography notes?
Barry Hughes <>
Preston, Lancashire, UK - Friday, March 14, 1997 at 13:46:23 (GMT)
Very interesting information. We enjoyed your excellent photographs and
comprehensive walk guides. We will never need to buy a guide book again!
Andrew Goodwin <>
Macclesfield, Cheshire, U.K. - Sunday, March 16, 1997 at 10:31:40 (GMT)
Absolutley the finest web pages I have seen! I was in the Lake District in April 1989, and am going back for a week June 97. We are trying to plan our week and this website has been terrific.
Robert Leopard <>
Palmyra, New York, USA - Monday, March 17, 1997 at 00:31:19 (GMT)
Good layout fot the webpage. Great photos too and useful for further links.
Liz Ashman <>
Preston, Lancs, England - Wednesday, March 26, 1997 at 10:54:41 (GMT)
I didn't know whether I would find anything remotely useful about my beloved Lakes, so this site is both a surprise and a pleasure. Excellent walk descriptions. See you on the fells next weekend!
Helen C. <>
Hull, UK - Saturday, March 29, 1997 at 18:01:51 (GMT)
What a find! I was virtually there and looking forward to using the info. to plan a real trip soon. Many thanks!
P.Heasman <p.e.heasman>
Canterbury, Kent, U.K. - Wednesday, April 09, 1997 at 17:23:04 (BST)
Having just 'discovered' this site thanks to the article in the Sydney Morning Herald of 12/4/97 I look forward with great pleasure to exploring the Lake District walks. I am planning a trip to the UK early next year and hope to spend about a month in the Lakes District. My previous visits have been just long enough to tantalise me with the obvious beauty of the area and I look forward to the luxury of more time next trip.
Susan Gardiner <>
Sydney, NSW, Australia - Sunday, April 13, 1997 at 06:21:51 (BST)
A lover of the lakes for years just discovered your wonderful web site.Keswick being our favourite place in the lakes, have just returned home after a long week end having walked Helvellyn and Skiddaw and sampled many a good pint of Jennings accompanied by the local lamb. Will be back as soon as possible.
Richard <>
Bridlington, Yorkshire, England - Thursday, April 17, 1997 at 21:30:50 (BST)
Excellent site, planning to camp at Brothers Water this weekend and tackle a couple of your Eastern Fell walks. I have a Coast to Coast page
(URL which includes a link to your web site. I would appreciate it if you would add mine to your list of links if you think it is appropriate.
Thanks and Keep up the good work
Keith Carr <>
Middlesbrough, Cleveland, England - Friday, April 25, 1997 at 09:57:50 (BST)
Excellent site. I am planning a tour in the lake disrict, and found your site the best and most efficient. Carry on the good work. Thanks, David - 5/2/97
David Bnaya <>
Tel-Aviv, Israel - Saturday, May 03, 1997 at 04:52:13 (BST)
SHEFFORD, BEDFORDSHIRE, - Saturday, May 03, 1997 at 21:03:05 (BST)
WOW! the best site I have ever seen. As a keen walker of 'Gods country'
I could not believe my eyes when I came across this on the net, photos fabulous, walking from your armchair.
Keep this up I'll be visiting again very very soon.
Derek Whitehead <>
Preston, Lancs, UK - Monday, May 05, 1997 at 15:34:52 (BST)
This site always makes me homesick, but I keep on visiting...
Paul Lloyd <>
Cleveland, Ohio, USA - Monday, May 05, 1997 at 22:00:24 (BST)
What a great web site. I was interested in your experience with your GPS - I bought a Magellan 3000 ( with data I/O facility) and was amazed to find how accurate it was. I do find however that sometimes the mountains block the satellites, but obviously the're ok on the mountain tops!
I would go walking without one now.
John Allwork <>
Stockport, Cheshire, UK - Tuesday, May 06, 1997 at 12:14:10 (BST)
Wonderful photos!Very good indeed! We have been twice in the lakelands and we love it!Never been in Ashness (near Keswick)? Lovely place.I think, we will return.because we like your country.Till than,hope to meet you in the lakelands!
Ulrich Schmidt <>
Berlin, Germany - Wednesday, May 07, 1997 at 13:42:30 (BST)
Non Web-literate friends (lucky people) sometimes ask me why folks go to such a lot of effort to put Web pages together. I tell them that the authors usually have a passionate interest in something that they want to share with others. You clearly have a passion for the Lake District, matched by the excellent work you have done here.
I am still recovering from a near-complete attempt on the Scafell Pike route from Langdale on May 10 (hello to anyone else who was there and thought they might not get down in the hailstorm either). Your fine photos helped to fill in on those occasions where we could barely see the party in front, let alone the next peak. Perhaps you could add a footnote to the gallery to the effect that all of the different seasons captured therein can be experienced on the _same day_ !
Keep up the good work.
John Laird <>
Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire, England - Monday, May 12, 1997 at 11:26:01 (BST)
Speaking from experience I suggest you put your informayion into book form.
A. Wainwright <>
Kendal, Westmorland, - Wednesday, May 14, 1997 at 11:14:57 (BST)
I have never visited the lakes but am going there the first week of september. This web-site makes me understand what I am looking forward to. Anyone who can tell me anything useful/interesting/amusing , is welcome to get in touch. Best regards from Asa.
Asa Ljungqvist <>
Stockholm, Sweden - Wednesday, May 14, 1997 at 20:20:39 (BST)
I am kinda looking for info here on the web about hiking(etc.) oppportunities. What is the white house in Apmleside, Apmleton, something like that, which looks like its going to topple down any minute and sells hiking equipment cheaply?
Jani Pehkonen <>
Vantaa, Finland, as above - Sunday, May 18, 1997 at 12:03:26 (BST)
I`ve really enjoyed my visit to your site, the walk descriptions and photographs are excellent, the large Sharp Edge photo is better than I`ve seen in any book, and scares me just looking at it!
Thanks for a great site, I`ll be back soon
Pete Cox <>
Staffordshire, England - Saturday, May 24, 1997 at 00:02:22 (BST)
Jonny Poolard <>
Greasby, Merseyside, England - Sunday, May 25, 1997 at 11:08:57 (BST)
What a smashing find on the web. Why has it taken me so long to find it?
David Maddison <>
Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England - Friday, June 20, 1997 at 20:49:10 (BST)
A really good web site. The route descriptions are very clear and well laid out. I have added it to my favourites and will definitely be back!
Jonty Mills
Macclesfield, Cheshire, England - Wednesday, June 25, 1997 at 21:11:14 (BST)
Sitting on an oil rig in the middle of the Norwegian Sea, your photos are making me quite homesick!
Andy Johnston <>
Ocean Alliance, Norwegian Sea, Norway - Saturday, June 28, 1997 at 03:09:53 (BST)
Excellent detail, especially pictorially. I wanted to print this, then I saw how much there was of it! Wonderful.
G. Finney <>
St Helens, UK - Tuesday, July 08, 1997 at 13:44:37 (BST)
Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh this brings on the hiraeth in full flood! How I long to tramp those beloved fells again......... from a (voluntary) exile in the desert.
Delia Blackmore <>
Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA - Friday, July 11, 1997 at 21:48:37 (BST)
the NT (National Trust NOT another Bill Gates product) have created a wonderfull footpath off Gamlin End from High Crag to Scarth Gap on John's High Stile ridge route. Met pretty Japanese girl there yesterday wearing immaculate snow white gloves! Think the ridge better form Ennerdale full length inc. Herdus & Starling Dodd (where we read out loud the final notes from Wainwright's Book 7) and doing Haystacks with Gable etc as a Heads of Ennerdale job. Just a personal pref. Love this inspirational site.
Ian Scott-Parker <>
Carlisle, Cumbria, UK - Sunday, July 13, 1997 at 14:30:39 (BST)
Absolutely marvelous, brings back some great memories of many a happy day on the fells. Keep up the good work.
Philip Mills <>
Bolton, Lancs, U.K. - Thursday, August 28, 1997 at 17:41:35 (BST)
Really enjoying the pages , my wife and I are planning to visit the Lake District this fall. The area is of special interest because I am from Heywood. My parents moved to Canada in 1953. These pages are a big help in planning our trip.
Mel Fitton <>
Box 533,Nackawic, New Brunswick, Canada , E0H 1P0 - Thursday, August 28, 1997 at 18:36:40 (BST)
Such a beautifully crafted site- I could stay all day! My husband and I are planning a Coast-to-Coast for July 1998- we are in the beginning stages and I would greatly appreciate words of wisdom from the veterans. My first visit to the Lake District was this past May- I was enchanted and cannot wait to return.
Julie Taylor <>
Athens, OH, USA - Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 17:34:58 (BST)
This is by far the best Walking/Rambling/Fellwalking WEB site I have come across. All I want to read about are the Fells, and John Dawson's pages are a joy to read.
PS You've set a great standard now John. We need someone to tackle the Yorkshire Dales in the same way - any Takers?
Chris Jackson
Beeston, Nottingham, England - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 16:10:32 (BST)
What country(ies) are these photos taken from? They're pretty. Thanks.
Tina <>
Starkville, MS, USA - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 18:35:29 (BST)
Well done !! Super pictures that downloaded fast under Nav.2. Well laid out pages and of course content that looks great. Must find my boots quick.
David Tennant <>
Dalgety Bay, Scotland, UK - Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 12:12:49 (BST)
A very useful site. I'm off to the lakes for the 1st time in a few weeks. I shall try out some of the walks
Peter Hanney <>
Brighton, East Sussex, England - Friday, September 12, 1997 at 16:13:25 (BST)
I agree wholeheartedly with the previous comments in the Guestbook. My own Lake District walking experience dates from 1960 and I am a devoted follower of AW. It's great to sit in front of the "one-eyed
monster" and relive some great days in the Fells.
Well done John.
Keep up the brilliant work!
Roy Potts <>
Cramlington , Northumberland, UK - Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 21:24:09 (BST)
What a great site! Second only to actually being there. It's bookmarked and I'm sure I'll be spending many hours in your company.
Henry Hesketh <>
Preston, Lancs, uk - Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 22:33:31 (BST)
What an excellent site, informative and interesting - I shall certainly be trying some of the walks!
Malcolm Britton <>
London, England - Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 17:24:10 (BST)
A very enjoyable website with some superb photos - it makes me want to put my boots on every time I come back for a browse!! Like another of your contributors, we would also like to see more on Great Langdale. Langdale is a marvellous centre for walking - we would heartily recommend the Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel as a base, probably our most favourite hotel of all time !!
Phil and Maggie Nendick <>
Birmingham, England - Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 12:15:50 (BST)
CAN ANY-ONE HELP PLEASE,.....I will be in the Lake Distrit this week-end 20th 21st Sept, any advice on the level of Howeswater,is it low this year.Thank You and happy walking to all. Regards Keith.
Keith Papworth. <>
Cambridge., East Anglia., UK - Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 16:33:11 (BST)
An excellent site - a shining example of the Web put to good use. I've been visiting this site regularly since my holiday in the Lakes last year, reminiscing while eagerly awaiting two whole weeks this year starting on 27 Sept. Roll on Sat week!
Rob White <>
Erith, Kent, UK - Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 22:05:43 (BST)
Like an oasis in the desert, an excellent web page. Some nice photos to look at and reminisce about my trips there. I would, however, like to see a photo (or at least some mention) of my favourite Lakes spot - Styhead Tarn. Apart from that, I have no complaints.
Keep up the good work, and I'll visit again soon.
Sarah Middleton
Derby, UK - Thursday, September 25, 1997 at 16:57:38 (BST)
I first found this site in March, I think. I came back because I'm going back to the lovely land of fells and lakes again on Sunday for a week, to initiate some "Lakes-virgin" friends. I think it has to be a baptism of fire, don't you? Scafell perhaps? Ah well anywhere will be wonderful after a summer in the city! See you on the fells somewhere - or in one of the gear shops!
Helen C <>
Hull, Yorkshire, UK - Friday, September 26, 1997 at 23:55:09 (BST)
Your site is a fine resource for lovers of Wordsworth. Every decent regional writer deserves a Web site like yours.
Scott Rice <>
San Jose, California, US - Sunday, October 19, 1997 at 23:47:51 (BST)
A superb web site that does justice to a great scenic area. I've only just found it (the web site,that is), but I'll be back plenty times with a cold beer for sure. It's a few years since I did Striding Edge covered in ice and snow, but it's one of my most enduring memories. Thank for bringing it all back.
Bill Bradley <>
Darwin, NT , Australia - Monday, October 20, 1997 at 11:28:05 (BST)
Just found you via the Countryside Commission site - links page. Excellent site - well done!
John Arrowsmith <>
warwickshire, - Monday, October 27, 1997 at 21:04:08 (GMT)
...Just had to echo all the above comments regarding this excellent web site. My only regret is that there's no point in me doing a Lakes website now! BTW Anyone visiting this site who has not yet discovered the Wainwright series of books "A Pictorial Guide To The Lakeland Fells" - you're missing out on something very special. Inspired by Wainwright's work, I first visited the Lakes in 1979, and in 1994 completed all 214 "official" fells. Next stop the Scottish Munroes!
Geoff Houlton <>
Hull, East Yorkshire, UK - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 01:40:40 (GMT)
An excellent site. As a family man our walks are tempered by the ability of our children (8, 4, and 2) or so I'd like to think. Although we did Haystack on Sunday ( a minor miracle) any info for a man and wife so impeded would be welcome. No rush, we only get here each autumn, poor saps from the smoke we are.
Phil Ient <>
London, UK - Thursday, October 30, 1997 at 21:19:02 (GMT)
Having just returned from a week of walking in the Lakes with my girlfriend, it was great to find such a well written site on a place I love dearly - this is surely what the internet was created for. One of the best walking sites I have seen. I only wish I could find somewhere up there to live in my chosen profession. I am not sure of the potential for hydrogeologists and environmental consultants in the Lake District!
Phil Merrin <>
Wallingford, Oxfordshire, - Monday, November 03, 1997 at 14:42:54 (GMT)
Brill site -
Thanks for all the info, I used it on a project we were doing.
You've saved my butt
Neil <>
Canterbury, Kent, UK - Monday, December 08, 1997 at 14:53:57 (GMT)
We are coming to the Lake District on Dec.20th, and are all the more anxious to arrive after seeing your site and beautiful photos. We hope to do 4 days of fellwalking (using your routes !) and would like to know more on the weather conditions we are likely to encounter at this time of year, and any recommendations for equipment(some sites have listed crampons and ice axe as required). Lastly, can you get Theakstons in the Lakes? Keep up the great site !
Deirdre and Brett <>
Toronto, Canada - Monday, December 08, 1997 at 16:16:32 (GMT)
A very comprehensive and informative compilation of information and facts. Please do continue to keep it up to date.
Rob Gleadall <>
Huddersfield, West Yorks., England - Tuesday, December 09, 1997 at 00:59:14 (GMT)
Oh dear! I don't know what to say bout this site, it's BRILLIANT!The photos
are all so beautiful. I went there but I didn't get to go far, me and me
fam didn't have time, pity me. Anyway, I am shock to see the pics and....
Oh, just add more and more of it and you'll have the best of the best site
in the net! Cheers.
Nadia(15) <>
K.K, Sabah, Malaysia - Wednesday, December 10, 1997 at 07:18:10 (GMT)
This is a wonderful web site. I fell in love with the Lakes when I was 12 years old and have been coming back ever since. This website has given me many hours of pleasure and is full of useful information and good walks. It serves as a daily reminder, if I can just get a few minutes time, of what I can look forward to on my next visit. Thanks, John, for your hard work. Keep it up!!
Richard Siddall <>
Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK - Friday, December 12, 1997 at 16:32:37 (GMT)
A wonderful site. I made my first trip to the Lakes last Easter (1997) with Stephanie, my partner, and we had a flying visit there in September. Your route descriptions have really whetted our appetite for our next visit already planned for this coming spring. How come you haven't published it?
Joe McLaughlin <>
Coleraine, Northern Ireland - Wednesday, January 07, 1998 at 16:54:35 (GMT)
An excellent site. Great description of walks to whet the appetite for a forthcoming trip to Loweswater. An opportunity to reminisce over past visits to the Lake District. It has been added to my favorites permanently. Fingers crossed for snow at the end of the month!
Nick Lawrence <>
Taunton, Somerset, UK - Monday, January 12, 1998 at 20:49:32 (GMT)
An excellent site; the photos are superb. I'll certainly browse the site whenever I'm free.
yurul jaafar
- Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 08:53:52 (GMT)
Just finishing my coffee and semi-regular Sunday to your site
-- thank you for all your efforts. First visited the Lakes last summer
(June and July) staying in hostels. We're back again for May 1998, and could use
some help. We're interested in walking the "Cumbria Way". Thanks again for a wonderful site.
Samantha Pearson <>
London, Ontario, Canada - Sunday, January 18, 1998 at 15:57:12 (GMT)
An exceptional site found by accident looking for info for a trip to England in April/May 1998. Only problem is we feel we have now seen the Lake District via your wonderful photos. Would like to hear from anyone else likely to be visiting the Lake Dist or Hadrian's Wall in May 1998
MOREE, NSW 2400, AUSTRALIA - Wednesday, February 04, 1998 at 06:41:06 (GMT)
Simply the best! I'm making way to the Lakes yet again this Saturday and this site has been the best source of information on line you could possible ask for.
As a Illustrator/Web Designer if I can offer my assistance in any way to to help John please ask....
Peter Dunkley <>
Buckfastleigh, Devon, UK - Friday, February 06, 1998 at 08:09:10 (GMT)
Great Site as a Fell Walker abroad it`s nice to find a site that helps me to remember The Lakes till I can visit again
Nick Evetts <>
Cohoes, , NY, USA - Tuesday, February 10, 1998 at 19:15:51 (GMT)
A very good and well worked out web site, would it be possible to have a few maps put in it
Carl Simms <>
silsoe, beds, england - Wednesday, February 11, 1998 at 09:31:26 (GMT)
This is an outstanding site - far and away the best of its type I've ever come across. The range of information and photographs puts many a commercial site to shame. I'll visit often during the dark winter days of forced exile from Lakeland, reliving happy days spent amongst the fells and imagining the further joys to come later in the year.
Neil Tonks <>
Belper, Derbyshire, UK - Sunday, February 15, 1998 at 15:55:19 (GMT)
I enjoyed reading through this, it helped me with information to plan out my walks through the lake district. I am going to do a 100 mile walk for charity in march and i am grateful for all the information i have gathered from this website thank you!!!!
Rebekah <2jdf834jrlflllflffjd>
Rhondda, wales, uk - Thursday, February 26, 1998 at 12:51:43 (GMT)
A really well put to gether site. As somebody who will be going to the lakes for the first time this year
I have found it very helpful in planning the outing.
One problem I have at the moment is finding a suggested camp site with a near by watering hole any suggestions are welcome.
Ta Alan
Alan Perry <>
Solihull, - Sunday, March 01, 1998 at 12:49:46 (GMT)
Splendid site. Just added you to Dick's Pocket Book - The Arthur Ransome Links Page.
Ian <>
Low Bentham, North Yorks, England - Tuesday, March 03, 1998 at 11:46:10 (GMT)
I've just found your site - WOW. Now I can go walking in my head every day, but with added pictures.
Mike Brown <>
Leics, uk - Wednesday, March 04, 1998 at 01:45:21 (GMT)
I fell in love with walking in the Lakes in the 1950s. Having lived in the States for the last 35 years, discovering your site has brought back wonderful memories and a great desire to be back in the hills. I love your screensaver and on a cloudy March day in the Mid-West it brings me a lot of happiness. Thank you.
Colin Havard <>
St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. - Wednesday, March 04, 1998 at 22:45:13 (GMT)
At last I have found what the web is all about, this site just makes me want to walk on high ground. Please keep up the good work, and more power to your camera.
Lee Barfoot <>
Southampton, Hampshire, England - Saturday, March 07, 1998 at 17:30:21 (GMT)
Our holiday starts the end of april, but already we are wallking in the lake district,splendid internet site!!!! This is the intention of internet.
Theun ten Kate <>
Leeuwarden, Fryslân, The Netherlands - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 07:01:29 (GMT)
earlier we commented on the information we recieved which helped us to plan our 100 mile walk around the lake district, we successfully completed the walk and raised money for ty hafen cancer hospital. the people who took part are Rebekah Rosser Sian Grabham Kelda Griffiths Joanne Green Jodi Rowlands Rhiannon Morgan Becky Hall Stacy Cutts Phil Griffiths Craig Roberts Ben Jenkins Flaz Mark Dancing man Palfrey Gavin Smith Richard Moorcraft Lee ummumm Sarah Laskey Chris castle Stuart Rix Gareth Howells Martin Beazer and we would like to thank our lectureres thanks to every one who was involved.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rebekah and sian <ponty college>
pontypridd, south wales, wales - Wednesday, March 25, 1998 at 13:15:49 (GMT)
We have just gone onto the net and think your site is an absolute jewel.
We have spent many happy holidays walking in the Lakes, and look forward to many more. Reading all your writings makes us feel very wistful ! And we don't think that Skiddaw is at all boring !! We never tire of looking at it from where we stay in Braithwaite. I'm sure we shall spend many happy hours reading and planning with you.
Martin & Geraldine Scott <>
Chorleywood, Hertfordshire, UK - Sunday, March 29, 1998 at 21:37:19 (BST)
Excellence, I am going there on this easter break. !!
Chee Woon Cheong <>
Portsmouth, Hants, UK - Monday, March 30, 1998 at 17:12:13 (BST)
Thanks for all the good info. We're planing to walk across Eng. beginning at St. Bees in mid June. Is there any possible stop between St. Bees and Ennerdale Bridge? Can we expect temps in the 60-70*F range? We would like to take Brit Rail from London to St. Bees. Would we be better off to go to Carlisle? Does the Cumbrian Coast line run 1ce-2ce/ day?Any help you could offer would be much appreciated!
Thanks! B.J.
B.J.Nelson <>
Excelsior, MN, USA - Thursday, April 02, 1998 at 04:39:47 (BST)
After visiting your wonderful website, we are now even more impatient to come to the lakes for our Easter weekend. We will be regular visitors to your site in the next few days.
Lesley Kitchen <>
Wembley,London, England - Sunday, April 05, 1998 at 16:46:52 (BST)
Thanks for your uplifting page. After many years of holidaying around Derwentwater we shall be in uncharted territory this year - Glenridding. Trust there are good pubs to cater for our needs after a day on the fells. The following is with apologies to William!
I wandered lonely as a cloud searching the Internet in vain,
When all at once I found a site to rid me of all stress and pain,
Beside the lake, beneath the trees, John Dawson's page fills me with ease.
For oft when at my desk I sit, in vacant or in pensive mood,
I click my mouse, my work I quit and turn to a site that's very good,
And then my heart with pleasure fills, for I'm once more among the hills.
Richard and Lynne Morton <>
Morpeth, Northumberland, uk - Monday, April 13, 1998 at 15:10:06 (BST)
There's so much dross on the internet - but every so often you come across
something a bit special - and this is it !!
Thank you.
terry abbott <>
oakham, rutland, uk - Monday, April 13, 1998 at 18:39:35 (BST)
A great website, my first vist but I'll be back!!
David Hasney <>
Northallerton, N.Yorks, UK - Friday, April 24, 1998 at 22:18:26 (BST)
Many thanks for a gem of a web site. I shall re-visit it frequently and appreciate the time and effort that you have put into it. I look forward to completing some of the walks this year.
Charlie Freeman <>
Southampton, Hampshire, England - Sunday, April 26, 1998 at 22:43:26 (BST)
Thanks for the pleasure you have given me with your pages
Dave Newall <>
bramley, Leeds, Yorks, The big E - Monday, April 27, 1998 at 21:25:19 (BST)
What an inspirational web site; it gives you itchy feet just to browse it. If you ever decide to put this lot into a book (especially the photo's) I for one would become a proud owner. Many thanks for all your efforts.
Geoff Gunshon <>
Tyldesey, Manchester, England - Friday, May 01, 1998 at 16:57:23 (BST)
Excellent page. Has any body been up Scafell Pike recently 2-5-98? I'm going up soon. Any stories to tell? Give me an e-mail.
Once again, great page appreciated from a fellow walker.
brent king <bking>
blackpool, england - Saturday, May 02, 1998 at 20:22:51 (BST)
An excellent site. It's even better now that I can find my house on one of the pictures.
Danny Davies <>
Staveley, Cumbria, England - Monday, May 11, 1998 at 00:31:50 (BST)
What a pleasure to find a sensible web site amidst all the rubbish! Look forward to following some routes this summer.
Hugh <>
Northants, - Tuesday, May 26, 1998 at 19:52:56 (BST)
A wonderful site with so much to see. I particularly impressed with the waypoints for GPS.
Sheffield, - Saturday, May 30, 1998 at 21:21:12 (BST)
I have visited "The Lakes" every year since I was tiny - initially being dragged there by mum and dad on horrible boring walking holidays. I am lucky enough now to be 1 hr's drive away and visiting fairly regularly and you have to drag me and my husband away !
The site keeps the withdrawal systems away, for which I am very grateful. My daughter still thinks mum and dad are dragging her on horrible boring walking holidays - she WILL learn .
Gina Kendall <>
Burnley, Lancashire, England - Tuesday, June 02, 1998 at 14:00:26 (BST)
How I miss those moors, the wind and rain, endless miles to walk, which I often did with my beloved grandfather in times long past.
John Kenny <>
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - Thursday, June 04, 1998 at 20:35:48 (BST)
What a great site. I was really pleased when I came accros it. I was born in Manchester, but grew up in Lancaster, with Lakeland on the doorstep so to speak, so the Lake District is where my heart is. Much to my dismay, it is only recently, at age 40'ish that I really started to explore the Fells on foot (the only way, I know) and have now spent a few years backpacking, usually 2-3 day trips, with a camera of course, but its great to see such a comprehensive catalougue of routes & photos. Regards, Steve.
Steve Gent <>
Halesowen, W. Midlands, UK - Sunday, June 07, 1998 at 23:19:19 (BST)
What a treat! Great pictures - I also feel like I'm on Striding Edge! I hiked parts of the Lakes Oct '97 - my favorite place in the world. Dockray is my favorite base. Please stop by and say "Hello' to James and Sarah at the Royal Hotel. This is the best site I've ever visited. Your a permanent bookmark now, Jon.
Ron Kolzow <>
Clarendon Hills, Illinois, USA - Saturday, June 27, 1998 at 00:33:43 (BST)
Thanks for this absolutely stunning site. Hardly what one is used to on the web.
Sidhartha Dubey <>
New Delhi, India - Saturday, June 27, 1998 at 07:14:45 (BST)
This site is fantastic!!
john atkinson <>
sunderland, tyne & wear, unk - Wednesday, July 01, 1998 at 09:37:06 (BST)
A wonderful site! One of the first scrambles I did with my father 25 years ago was the "High Level Route" on Pillar, ending in Wasdale, after descending the Dore Head Screes.
I now live in Canada, and tonight I revisited the past, and "climbed" that same route "with my father", now no longer with us, as it would appear, nor are Dore Head Screes!
Thank you for a pleasurable interlude!
Jos Mottershead <>
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada - Sunday, July 12, 1998 at 03:49:28 (BST)
Great site - the best way to loose those midweek blues. Any plans for a chat room? It would be fantastic to exchange ideas with all you people out there on-line. Keep up the good work
Ste <>
St. Helens, Merseyside, U.K - Monday, July 13, 1998 at 14:06:35 (BST)
Superb site - wish I'd found it last week, before our trip to the lakes. Particularly the comments on decent from Gable in mist (actually 60mph winds and sleet), particularly as my son had borrowed my compass. I will not make that mistake again, nearly navigating us over the Napes rocks before regaining the summit and coming down to Beck Head. Never been so scared in my life, swollen hands and frozen cold (even with full Goretex). Cautionary tale for overseas visitors, particularly - remember that this was July.
Craig Sawyers <>
Oxford, UK - Tuesday, July 21, 1998 at 11:56:19 (BST)
What can be said that hasn't been said already. An excellent web site with clear, well documented walks and pictures. After finding and looking at your site, I have now added it to my favorites.
Keep up the excellent work.
Nigel G. Brown <>
Bradford, West Yorkshire, England - Sunday, July 26, 1998 at 20:00:31 (BST)
I'm off to the lakes tomorrow night - doing Pillar, Sharp Edge, Great Gable and Haystacks with my son. Great to see your routes and photos ... will let you know how we manage on Sharp Edge.
Christopher Robertson <>
canterbury, Kent, England - Wednesday, August 05, 1998 at 11:51:31 (BST)
I'm going to visit to Lake District in September.
Where do you recomend to visit?
e-mail address:
Maki Ashida <>
Cheltenham, Gloustershire, England - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 15:29:24 (BST)
John, your prompt response was appreciated. Your humerous turn of phrase, intelligent,thoughtful writing is also greately appreciated. I'm ready to pack up now and see the lovely hills/fells..but must start teaching school again. Your "dictionary" is exactly what I needed. Now I can translate the hike descriptions with some degree of understanding. It would be interesting to compare some of the names you use to some of the location names here. We have many "indian" names for areas here that actually pre-date native americans by several hundred a matter of fact my dad has a stone in his yard that is Scotts-Gaelic in orgin...written in Ogum...There are 80-90 chambers here that I have noticed in pictures, dot the fells in Ireland Scotland and Wales. My dad has a written a manuscript called ACIENT YANKEES in which he makes reference to the Merrimack River, and mount Monadnock actually being an acient Norse term for "bald dome" which exactly describes the peak. (Pike) Thanks for staying in touch. gw
gw <>
canterbury, Connecticut, USA - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 03:02:55 (BST)
A superb site, Congratulations to the Computer Active magazine for drawing it to my attention. The accolade to the site author goes without saying.
Excellent photography and such a broad coverage of all that our beautiful Lake District can offer. We must protect it for future generations!
To view daily from my screensaver the captivating scenes is indeed a bonus.
Don Joscelyne. Scotby.Carlisle
Don Joscelyne <>
Carlisle, Cumbria, UK - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 09:51:50 (BST)
You utter legend. What a fantastic use of the web. I am all impressed - and return often to dream up new plans. If only the national Trust were as ingenious as this man has been. Love it. Awe Inspiring. Keep up the good work.
Justin Connor <>
Reading, Berkshire, UK - Monday, September 14, 1998 at 15:37:44 (BST)
The best web site I've seen so far. As a Cumbrian in exile, I shall make regular visits to lift up my spirits when I'm stuck here in my City of London office. Naturally I have your screensaver installed.
Keep up the good work.
Richard Birkbeck <>
Worcester Park, Surrey, - Monday, September 14, 1998 at 17:34:37 (BST)
Really liked this website. Very beautiful
Laura Shoup <>
Toledo, Ohio, USA - Wednesday, September 23, 1998 at 21:00:02 (BST)
This is a marvellous site. How do some people get the energy to construct a site like this?
keith bracey <>
kendal, cumbria, U.K. - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 00:11:05 (BST)
Also, I am planning a trip to the
Lake District in the first two weeks of May, 1999. Ideally, we would
like to do a coast to coast hiking/walking trip. Logistics are difficult
(eg transporting luggage from one site to another is the major
challenge). I was wondering if you had any ideas for this type of trip
and how to transport our belongings as we go coast to coast. We're
planning on spending 10-14 days in Great Britain. Thank you and I have
enjoyed your site!!
Steve Lenhard <>
Atlanta, Georgia, USA - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 16:19:16 (BST)
Having searched for a site to satisfy our love of the Lake District we were delighted to find this one. Photographs are amazing, keep up the good work. We're sure we will visit site again & again.
Sandra Booth & Tony Lyons <>
Leicester, Leics, England - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 23:15:16 (BST)
Since I worked in the Lake District, I am addicted to it and I really
miss the beautiful countryside. But now I have found your website
I can go on living, although it forces me to return to the Lake District
as soon as possible!!
Ellen van der Zwan <>
Ridderkerk, 2986 EB 47, Holland - Sunday, October 25, 1998 at 12:55:11 (GMT)
Excellent. I'm on my way up on the 21st and this is a superb site to
whet the appetite, I can hardly wait.
George Brisco <>
Hertford, Hertfordshire, UK - Wednesday, October 28, 1998 at 09:49:19 (GMT)
I visit this site again and again just to remind me what a beautiful
corner of England this is. I can't wait for my next (and 6th) visit - wait
a minute! I'm going tomorrow for a long weekend, FANTASTIC.
Sutton Coldfield, UK - Thursday, October 29, 1998 at 13:12:29 (GMT)
This is a fantastic resource full of amazing walks and beautiful photographs. Having only just come across you site, I must comment that in my opinion this is the best of its kind: a jewel for those who love the fells!
My family and I are in the enviable position of recently having moved to this most detectable corner of England, and we are forever conscious of our good fortune. This site reinforces those feelings, and I am certain it will be a source of the greatest enjoyment to all who stumble across it as we did. Thank you!
David Raven-Hill <>
Windermere, CUMBRIA, UK - Friday, November 13, 1998 at 23:03:26 (GMT)
I saw the screensaver on a friend's machine and I was mesmerised!
The site is an inspiration.
My wife and I will be back to the Lakes when we can, using the 'mountains of information' in the site to make the visit even more pleasurable.
Having seen the quality of the photographs I think I will give up taking them.
Tony Boulton <>
Amersham, Buckinghamshire, UK - Monday, November 30, 1998 at 14:24:52 (GMT)
Thanks for a happy, happy hour's browsing. I'll be back at the weekend when the phone's on cheap rate! And I will be planning a few sorties ready for the Spring. Every lake District lover should see this site!
Glenn Cannon <>
Brightlingsea, Essex, UK - Thursday, December 03, 1998 at 01:41:00 (GMT)
I have become a regular visitor to this site now, and always find it both
enjoyable and relaxing. Working with computers all day can wear you
down, but escaping to a website like this makes the day. Well done
Ian Doyle <>
Kirkby, Merseyside, England - Monday, December 14, 1998 at 14:09:45 (GMT)
Great web site. Only wish we could get to visit the Lakes more often. Photographs remind us of great walks and fantastic views (when the fog clears)!
Nigel Collins <>
Felixstowe, Suffolk, - Monday, January 04, 1999 at 00:55:12 (GMT)
I have a Garmin GPS, & John's great site means I can never get lost on his routes with the downloaded GR's The software Waypoint+ also works a dream -thanks for the link John. I wish their were more sites like this (I'm thinking of constructing one with GPS downloads of my favorite routes in the Shropshire Hills. Does anyone know of any more sites that offer this facility?
Paul Baskeyfield <>
Church Stretton, Shrops., UK - Monday, January 04, 1999 at 17:30:23 (GMT)
I cant believe someone else could like the Broads and the lake district, next you'll be telling me you like Snecklifter.
Steve Flint <>
Derby, Derbyshire, U.K. - Saturday, January 09, 1999 at 13:50:11 (GMT)
As an ex-resident of Hastings down in East Sussex, I spent many happy days wandering in the Lake District and although I've travelled the world, the Lakes are my favorite place in the world. Your web site and the accompanying photographs are phenomomenal and being a professional photographer myself, I do not mean that lightly. Photographing mountains is one of the most difficult discplines and you have mastered it superbly.
I will return frequently to calm my nerves in this busy world. Great Job! Keep it up.
From the barren, flat coast of Florida.
Ian Hargraves
Ian Hargraves <>
New Smyrna Beach, Florida, USA - Saturday, January 16, 1999 at 21:44:09 (GMT)
Hi there, We are interested in finding out about camp sites in the lakes area, If there are any that anybody can recommend then please e-mail us. Thanks
Great web site by the way
Wendy And Allan <>
Sussex, - Sunday, January 17, 1999 at 23:43:36 (GMT)
What a wonderful site. Just to be able to visit the Lakes without moving from your home is great. Once visited the Lakes have a way of drawing you back with the sheer beauty of the area and the 'at one' with nature one feels during visits, whether camping or on special occasions staying in hotels. We are due to go to the New Dungeon Ghyll for a long weekend in the middle of February - can't wait. Thanks for a great site to visit without leaving the house!!
Ruby and Simon Jones <>
Bolton, Lancs, England - Saturday, January 23, 1999 at 16:57:55 (GMT)
The pictures are beautiful, the descriptions of the walks,paths,and tracks are great,
BUT, the suffering caused when one is so far away is awful.
I have spent many happy days roaming the lakes, but its never enough.
The Langdales have a special attraction ( Is it the old dungeon gill, waiting for your return? ), The walk up Rossett gill,did I say walk?,
then onwards and upwards where ever you decide to explore, eventually back to TODG for a few Bevvies and bed.
Can I say more?.
Dave Nicholls <>
Bristol, Avon, uk - Monday, February 01, 1999 at 23:34:43 (GMT)
Totally gobsmacked by the quality of your website - as many others have been obviously! A tremendous labour of love, and a great resource. I will especially enjoy looking into some of the more outlying walks, like the Longsleddale area, which I have wanted to visit for a long time but not made it yet. The photos really enhance the descriptions, more so than in many guide books. If all the WEB were like this, book publishing would be hit very hard! I look forward to exploring the site over days to come. Many many thanks.
Paul Richardson <>
Leigh, Lancs, UK - Tuesday, February 02, 1999 at 23:47:21 (GMT)
A fantastic site! This is one of the very few sites I've seen on the Web that I'd actually pay money to subscribe to! I only get to the Lakes 2-3 times a year (usually Wasdale) but browsing here's the next best thing to being there. Thanks for the update about Lord's Rake. I've been put off from doing it with my son for the last couple of years due to erosion reports. This year we'll crack it!
Rob Naylor <>
Tunbridge Wells, Kent, UK - Wednesday, February 03, 1999 at 09:15:52 (GMT)
Could someone with a little more knowledge than me tell me if there are any rules about sleeping and cooking under the stars in the lake district this summer (99)i can accept the need to be sensible weather wise, comfy shoes etc, i am also aware of how careful you need to be with open fires, i just want to fulfill an ambition, but obviously dont want to break any bylaws, i would really appreciate any information /advice.
PLAISTOW, LONDON, ENGLAND - Friday, February 05, 1999 at 06:38:09 (GMT)
Hi, I'm David, and I've hijacked my girlfriend's address, and I'd like you to add her to your email list please. (with her permission)
I have really enjoyed your web site, it reminds me of various walks. (which I have bored my poor girlfriend with she is from the fens and finds the notion of hills very odd! bless.
Lizzy Allen <>
Durham, County Durham, England - Tuesday, February 09, 1999 at 18:33:30 (GMT)
John, A fabulous site, all the links to phots work very well. The walks around the Langdales I found not only interesting but particularly accurate. Is it possible to include maps, either with the photos or an overall map at the start, or is copyright a problem. Either way, a great site. Can you recommend any reading on the Cumbrian Way ? I believe it is 75 miles ending at Carlisle, and although I've heard of it, I've never walked it or seen a route.
Thanks once again
Lee Anfield <>
Burscough, Lancashire, UK - Sunday, February 14, 1999 at 20:47:14 (GMT)
Thanks for a wonderful web site, I have only scrathed the surface but already can se many benifits. I and my family are holidaying at Limefiit Park in May and have been searching your site for walks. We are not experienced walkers but your site has been of help. please add me to your update list. Can you reccomend some wals for beginners?
thanks in anticipation
John m Philps
John M Philps <>
Bexhill on Sea, East sussex, England - Saturday, March 06, 1999 at 20:57:34 (GMT)
Many many years since I was last in the lake District. Only just discovered
your site. i have only happy memories of that place in a million-used to
camp there at Windermere-then walk for miles -hail rain or shine.
Michael Mcloughlin <>
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia - Monday, March 08, 1999 at 06:18:36 (GMT)
Apprehensive on first visit,could anything compare to the highlands.
Yes,what beautiful scenery,magnificent lakes,a treasure trove of
wonderful walks and friendly B&Bs.I have been about ten times in the
last two years,revisiting at Easter with friends,it looks like its
going to be a duck paddle this time,hopefully not.
Gerry Smith <>
Glasgow, Scotland - Sunday, March 28, 1999 at 23:46:57 (BST)
It is some time since I last visited your web site, and it has progressed in leaps and bounds. My wife and I visits the lakes each spring bank holiday, and stay in Brathwaite. I enjoy reading your routes and find them excellent basis for our annual visit. It is also good to have the photos which can give an indication of the expected terain. It is only a few weeks now to our visit, and I shall enjoy using some of your routes. Many thanks John for a wonderful Lakeland site, especially for a Yorkshireman living on the South coast (highest peak around 600 ft on the South Downs way)
Keep up the good work for Fell walkers
sandy saunders <>
Near Portsmouth, Hampshire, England - Monday, March 29, 1999 at 20:55:10 (BST)
What a dream of a find, I think the author has done a great job here and it makes me want to be up there.
Barrie Dennett <>
Cobham, Surrey, UK - Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 22:19:17 (BST)
I have nothing but admiration for this site. The Lakes are a special place for me, and this site just seems to capture that special quality. I recommend it to anyone who expresses an interest in the Lake District
Erwin Tadiar <>
Luton, Bedfordshire, - Thursday, April 01, 1999 at 14:48:50 (BST)
Find your site helpful and informative complements the AWW books. Took dog over Striding Edge your pictures were a great help (it's a large dog so had to deviate near end by the left hand lower path!). Keep up the good work!
Mick McGough <>
Accrington, Lancs, England - Monday, April 05, 1999 at 18:33:29 (BST)
Excellent site,The choice of walks and photgraphs are perfect.I have only been on the net for a fortnight and this will be at the top of my favorites.Many thank for putting this site together.
Paul Lawrenson <>
Kirkham, Lancashire, United Kingdom - Saturday, April 17, 1999 at 19:57:04 (BST)
Fantastic web site.I find the details of the walks very useful,and will be using some of the walks at part of the training of a Scout Group
as well as family enjoyment.
Les Bland <>
Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, England - Monday, April 19, 1999 at 23:09:02 (BST)
Wonderful site! Beauty and quality!
I can send you some pics from the highest (and most beautiful) mountains on the Balkans, if you're interested. Bulgarian mountains are a nice place to visit :))).
Milena Popova <>
Varna, Bulgaria, - Friday, April 30, 1999 at 11:04:05 (BST)
This is THE site for anyone remotely interested in the Lakes. There isn't a better way to plan a visit here.
Ray Codd
- Wednesday, May 05, 1999 at 20:28:32 (BST)
A great web site. Wonderful pictures. I will visit this site time and time again! Keep up the good work!
Southport, Merseyside, England - Saturday, May 08, 1999 at 08:45:56 (BST)
Just found the site. Keep up the good work. (AW) Only joking no relation, just a devotee with the same name.
Derek Wainwright <>
Wigan, Lancs, England - Sunday, May 09, 1999 at 21:29:06 (BST)
Great Site, as I live on the edge of the Peak District most of my walking is done there. Do you know of any similar sites to yours that highlight the Peak District. Thanks
Alan Westhead <>
Disley, Cheshire, U.K. - Friday, May 14, 1999 at 12:42:11 (BST)
As a late developer in walking (due to me becoming a Scout leader)
I find your site very interesting and informative, the walks you list are easy to follow
and the photo's beutiful to look at .
Congratulations on a wonderful site.
Keith Anders <>
Bolton, Lancs, England - Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 23:56:31 (BST)
just completed blencathra via sharp edge walk downloaded from your fantastic web site.absolutely no problem and a GREAT walk with a fabulous panoramic view at the top.keep up the good work!!!
SKIPTON, NORTH YORKS, UK - Sunday, May 23, 1999 at 16:55:16 (BST)
What a terrific website.Stunning photographs and the routes are well described, practical and written up with certain flair.In the face of strong competition, every screensaver I have seen is second best to your lake district views - they are just the tonic when I am "grounded" by bad weather.Keep up the good work!!!
Steve Dale <>
Burnley, Lancs, England - Saturday, May 29, 1999 at 15:30:23 (BST)
I used to live in Appleby and this site reminds me of where I used to live.
John Collinson <>
Littlepot, Cambridge, UK - Tuesday, June 01, 1999 at 22:37:53 (BST)
Wonderful sight. Am studying Wordsworth in college and this sight brings him alive for me. Thank you for such beauty.
Beverly Nichols <>
Corpus Christi, Texas, - Saturday, June 05, 1999 at 16:37:21 (BST)
ROBY, MERSEYSIDE, ENGLAND - Sunday, June 06, 1999 at 20:01:27 (BST)
Hi John, Didn't know when I would get to visit you again. I still have your lovely picture of Wasdale on my site as my favourite place. It's nice to browse your pages once more. Good Luck!
Margaret <>
Egremont, Cumbria, United Kingdom - Monday, June 07, 1999 at 00:37:17 (BST)
Visited Kendal and Lake District during May. Loved it. My ancestors came to States in 1850's from Kendal. Name was Brockbank. After seeing Kendal and Cumbria, I can't imagine why they ever left. I can't wait to visit again.
g hayes <>
DuBois, Pennsylvania, usa - Wednesday, June 16, 1999 at 04:07:46 (BST)
I am planning a trip to the WESTERN lakes in a few weeks time and would appreciate some info about suitable touring caravan sites in the area.We have a 14 month old boy and require a site that has good clean facilities for showering/washing etc.If anyone can help i would be most grateful.Great site by the way.
Kevin Leggett <>
Colchester, Essex, England - Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 22:00:12 (BST)
This is an excellent site - it gives me the inspiration (and the information) I need to 'get out there' and do some of the walks listed (and get some photos on the way). I admire your passion for walking / photography. Your web site is one of the most informative I've visited. I'm sure you'll keep up this excellent work. Best wishes. Craig Cooke.
Craig Cooke <>
Bolton, Greater Manchester, England - Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 17:06:39 (BST)
what a superb site marvelous pictures ive just come down off the tops
climbed jacks rake wow gets the blood flowing
thanks for some great ideas for walks .
tony johnson <>
kendal, cumbria, england - Saturday, August 07, 1999 at 22:32:12 (BST)
Brilliant set of photos - what a great way to remenisce about my 2nd favorite mountain area (Scotland wins - but there's no Scottish web site as good as this!), from so far away!
Paul Rowe <>
Cape Town, South Africa - Sunday, August 08, 1999 at 20:29:43 (BST)
An inspired site - a real 'stress-free island'.
Outstanding photographs and well-informed route details.
Despite regular visits to 'the lakes' this site created a real buzz!
Keep up the good work - especially the'large' photographs.
Bill Green
Bill Green <>
Rainford, Merseyside, UK - Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 16:11:29 (BST)
Well, i've to say this web is really fantastic...
Xisco Vidal <>
Palma Mallorca, Baleares, Spain - Monday, August 16, 1999 at 16:48:03 (BST)
An excellent site whoch has cheered me up many time on dreary days at work. Thanks
Paul Bassindale <>
Sheffield, S Yorks, UK - Wednesday, August 18, 1999 at 14:55:39 (BST)
Absolutley top class web site, with excellent route details and breath taking photographs. From past hill walking experience in Wasdale & Langdale I can certainly vouch for their accuracy. Cant wait to hit the hills again in september.
Rich Doram <>
Lichfield, Staffs, England - Friday, August 20, 1999 at 23:56:54 (BST)
Most Excellent Work DUDE!!
Your passion for the lakes must be even greater than mine.......
Kevin Riddehough <>
Blackburn, Lancashire, England - Wednesday, August 25, 1999 at 01:15:26 (BST)
Excellent site!! I've just spent a week based at Gt Langdale following your routes, best walking of my life.
View from Bowfell unbelievable, Scafell boring, Langdales perfect, hated Rossit Gill with a passion, Gt Gable looked magnificent from Gt End so walked up there as well........
Could go on!!! Brilliant work, thanks.
Tom Smith <>
Salisbury, Wilts, -
This is the best site for the Lakes that i've found. The routes are great, Im up to Keswick this weekend to climb Blencathra on the strength of your guide.
Martin Wainwright <>
Newcastle, STAFFS, England -
It might seem strange someone from Cumbria "logging on" to this site, but it gives me and my wife (who is unable to enjoy the views that I can see at first hand) great pleasure to be able to revisit (in my case) and also to enjoy views (in my wifes case) that are simply "out of this world".
Keep up the good work!!
Richard Trotter <>
Penrith, Cumbria, GB -
I am a regular sufer of the information superhighway and if it makes you feel like all the work that is put into your WEB Page is fruitless than take my word for it, it is one of the most interesting and usefull URL's that I have ever laid my eyes (I's) on. You should , and probably are proud of your web site offering paneramic views of tha Lakes. Power 2 your elbow ad if you ever feel like predicting or going out on a walk to register more walks to add to your database and feel like you may require a little company, then don't hasitate to get in touch!! Really. I, for the record work at the University of derby for Computing Services, but am extremely interested in Geology. Walking has always been a great hobby of mine and wish to persue this in a way in which you could help. Please let me know when you are going for a walk in which you will be adding to your internet page as I would be priveliged to attend for a days outing!!
Andy <>
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England -
What more can I add to the accolades already showered upon you? Only thoughts are that it's a pity I didn't discover the site before I started on the 40 highest "Wainwrights" as part of my 40th year celebrations. Can anyone out there tell me the origin of the name "St Sunday Crag"?
Looking at past messages, some have dates (very useful) some don't. Is it up to the sender to enter one? If so can I encourage the practice
8 October 1999
Anthony Kubicki <>
Preston, -
Excellent site. I hope someone can create a site of the North Yorks Moors to the same standard as this.
Michael Walsh <>
Eston, Middlesbrough, UK -
A great site that I have used in the past when planning a trip to the Lake District. Am trying to journal this outing and am using your site to remind me of the routes I chose. A very useful site indeed. Love the photographs too!
Gatecrasher <>
Cambridge, Suffolk, UK -
It's raining, I'm not well and I'm longing to put my boots on and walk!
I then found your site. I think it's great. I will certainly be passing on this web
address to all my mates. Anyway, back to those excellent pictures, my hot lemon and my memories of those long
hot days in the Lakes. Until next time!
marie seaward <not given>
wollaston, stourbridge, england -
Excellent! A goldmine of information which l no doubt will keep revisiting as l recall fond memories of the Lake District.
P.Henrys <>
Auckland, New Zealand -
John,the clocks went back last night and outside its typically dull,dark
damp and dismal.This coming weekend will be spent in the lakes with mates from Wall Heath Camera Club-my job is to plan the weekend and your site just made my job a lot easier and far more pleasant than grovelling over maps and working out distances the hard way.Have passed on your address to others and inserted it in 'Favourites'. Keep up the good work I can assure you it is much appreciated
alan j heeley <>
stourport on severn, worcs, uk -
It's really a great site for my lovely place, The Lake District, that I've visited three times. I must suggest my friends to go there because there are many spectacular views that i'll never forget! Thanks God to create such a lovely place!
Kitty Lee <>
Hong Kong -
This is my first time on your website, and i'm pleased to say that it is one of the best i've ever seen. It gives me the information i need when i need it.
Jon B
Jimbob <>
Hi John
Since I last Wrote I have now become a Group Scout Leader with
Leyland St James. During the last year some of the leaders and
scouts have used your direction and walks and found them great.
Thankyou for a page which helps me and the other leaders in helping
to train our young members more efficiently.
Keith Anders
Keith Anders <>
Bolton, Lancashire, England -
Great site, good walk descriptions and photos. The distance calculator have been usseful a few times so far. One constructive criticism :-) : it's a bit difficult to read dark text on a dark background1
Iain <>
Liverpool, Merseyside, England -
Whoops! I mentioned when I signed the guestbook 5 minutes ago that it was difficult to read dark text on dark background. Must have been a problem with my browser - it' readable now! Still a great site, equivalent distances are handy.
Iain <>
Liverpool, Merseyside, England -
Your picture of Lord's Rake reminds me that I got lost at the top of the rake and never made Scafell summit!
Bob <>
Skelton, Cleveland, England -
Hello again. I love to look at this site. Last time I wrote I was ill.
Not now. At the moment, I'm planning a couple of weeks winter walking
and climbing in either Glencoe or the Cairngorms. But, I'll have to drop in
and see the Lakes for my regular dose. Can't wait to don the crampons,
ice axe in hand and go for it. Brilliant site. Keep up the excellent work
and I'll be back for more. Date 12/01/00.
HAPPY NEW YEAR.....and all that!
Marie Seaward <Not given>
Wollaston, Stourbridge, England -
Best Site Ive found on the lakes so far.I can now see where i have been!
Rob Parr <>
Preston Lancs., uk -
Sir I often look at your site and I think it is great. Now living in New Zealand. I really miss the lakes. I visited them most weekends form being a teenager up to coming to live in Nz. I did alot of the walk'sthat you discribe plus I did alot of Rock climbing I was a member of the Yorkshire Mountaineering Club and they still have a club hut at Conistone coppermines. Your photographs are good and I spend alot of time looking at them and they bring back lot of memories for me of the great times I had in the Lakes
Don Rumbold <>
christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand -
Its so nice to be able to spend some time in my favorite place in the whole world. I've been in Chicago for 2 years and we dont have hills !! A good pint in front of a large fire after a great days walking sounds like heaven. Great site keep it up.
Mike Yates <>
Chicago, IL, USA -
Thanks for this wonderful site. It's an inspiration, and a comfort to the desk-bound.
Clare Atkinson <>
Oxford, England -
Great web site. Me and mo enjoy the lakes so much we will be getting married there this summer, 24/06/2000.
Neilson and Maureen <>
sunderland, tyne&wear, -
Congratulation on a great site John! I visit regularly and find it a great source of information.I used your site recently(Sat 12 feb) to do a winter walk up the old man of conniston which I enjoyed thoroughly.I could also do with some help from yourself( or anyone reading this)as an ex-infantry man i am a quite competant map reader but would like to brush up on a few basic techniques and more advanced stuff but, i`ve found it hard to find FREE info on the net. can you help?
I wish you continued success with your site.
John Barker <>
chester, Cheshire, UK -
With a surname like mine I just habe to feel at home in the Lakes, your web-site is just THE BEST ALTERATIVE in the wet weather. Great for new ideas of where to walk.Best wishes Dave Hills
Dave Hills <>
Preston,Lancs, England -
A most excellent site, I highly reccommend it. Perhaps could do with a bit more on my favourite areas e.g. Great Langdale & Wasdale; The Langdale skyline is most evocative. I'll be back at Easter 2000! My take on the Lakes can be found at See you all on Bowfell!
Tim M Nicholls <>
Farnham Royal, Bucks, United Kingdom -
We spent a WONDERFUL warm and sunny week in Lake District last July. We hiked every single day and could not get enough. So this year we will come back, and hopefully have great weather again. We want to go on Helvellyn. Hope it is not too difficult, because we are not very experienced hikers.
Barbara + Max M. Müller <>
Bronschhofen, Switzerland -
keep up the good work i dont need to say any more regards george.
george toplis <>
matlock, drbyshire, u.k. -
exellent site my only complaint having a yellow background takes forever to print off regards george.
george toplis <>
tansley, matlock derbyshire, u.k. -
An excellent site. I know I am only an hour down the road but I can relive my walks anytime I wish with this site. The photos are excellent and give me the inspiration to get up and go. Many many thanks.
Rob Williams <>
liverpool, merseyside, uk -
Lake District is a magnificent place,
it puts all the information right in to your face,
it just want's you to get up and go,
leaving everything behind you but Joe.
Chanda Patel <>
London, England, England -
Top site.I can only echo the sentiments of other visitors to your site.
Sitting here at work it gives me a chance to escape and relive great times in my favourite part of the world. Many thanks.
Laurence Coley <>
worcester park, surrey, england -
I stumbled across this site because I was looking for the weather report for tomorrows walk. Since seeing it I have decided to alter my route. I will visit often. Thanks for the effort you have put into the site. I have derived benefit from it.
Cheers, Mike Fife
Mike Fife <>
Otley, W. Yorks, UK -
Excellent site with some of the best photographs I have seen. Keep up the good work.
duncan coulter <>
Preston, Lancashire, England. -
It's been said before, but this is a superb website. I'm off this Easter to climb Scafell Pike on St. George's Day - who says Patriotism is dead? I guess that there will be a few of us up there! Thanks for the inspiration to be found in these pages.
Anthony Gaughan <>
London, England -
Excellent web site - brings the Lakes to life. Thanks for all your hard work.
Peter Larkin <>
Kendal, Cumbria, UK -
Brilliant site. Only found this site by accident - but will visit again. The photographs are breath taking. I come to the Lakes every month - I wish I could get up there more often. Thank you for a superb web site.
Joeanne Dolan <>
Slough, Berkshire, UK -
It's many years since I last visited the lake district and i hope to return soon to visit both Wordsworth's abode, and climb Scafell Pike. The site you've provided is excellent, and the photographs are vivid and certainly add infinitely more than words alone - out of curiosity, were the pictures taken with a digital camera, they seem to possess that high-res quality?
Gavin <>
Ashby-de-la-Zouch, LEICS, UK -
Having just returned from yet another fabulous weekend's camping at the Langdales,(in feel good factor and not the weather!)it has been a real joy to discover this site. Advantage will be taken for my next trip! It goes without saying that it is now a permanent fixture in my favourites list and is a site recommended to my friends to visit.
Suzanne Milne
26th April 2000
Suzanne Milne
Chester, Cheshire, -
Excellent Site - We Followed "Catstye Cam, Helvellyn and Dollywagon Pike" and "Whinfell Ridge and Borrowdale" this Easter. Can't fault the route descriptions - just the right amount of information.
Martin Paley
Egham, Surrey, UK -
We are lucky to live only about 1.5hrs from the Lakes and spend as much of our free time there. This web page is great and gives me a lift mid week and if we have been unable to go for a couple of weeks. The screen saver is fantastic and highly recommended - pictures of my best friends (the mountains) whenever I come back to my desk. Well done.
Sue Anderson <>
Worsley, Manchester, England -
nether heage, derbyshire, -
Great site with good descriptions of the walks which has helped us on many occasions.
Bill Wilcocks <>
N. Yorkshire, -
I have enjoyed visiting this site and I am sure I will be back - it was particularly stimulating when viewed accompanied by Dvoraks 9th "from the new world" - great.
If anyone wants to see the Lake District spread out in all its glory can I recommend the BA flight from Leeds Bradford to Aberdeen which routinely flies just to the east of the M6 - but at 19000 feet.
Steve Allanson <>
Selby, North Yorks, -
Nice pictures on your site, particularly the one of Haweswater from the Rigg. However the one of Angle Tarn appears to be out of date. It wasn't there on 30 April when I took the family to admire the view.
I experienced a similar tarn disappearance about 6 years ago when Red Tarn on the way to Crinkle Crags looked about 1/10th of the size of the picture on the cover of Fellwalking with Wainwright.
Mike Smith <>
South Shields, Tyne & Wear, England -
Great site with lots of information. I was looking for information for a route up Jacks Rake. I am going to try your peak bagging route from Langdale on Bank Holiday Monday
Darren Firth <>
Prestwich, Manchester, UK - Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 18:49:30 (BST)
Thanks for an excellent site, as a Lake district fanatic living in Suffolk it's wonderful to be able to have a quick view of the fells from my desk. Your clearly the AW of cyberspace! Keep up the great work
Edward Howard <>
Suffolk, - Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 19:07:31 (BST)
Excellent site and thanks for all the detailed walks you have provided.
Following a few of your routes this coming week. If possible how about adding a few more walks to the site.
Good Walking
Ste Roughley <>
St. Helens, Merseyside, UK - Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 23:56:39 (BST)
This site has to be my favourite on the net. Having climbed Scafell twice in poor weather, it's nice to be able to see the views that I missed! With the photos and discriptions of other walks it has persuaded me to go back and try other walks as it can't rain every day as the photos prove.
Bill Andrew <>
Poole, Dorset, England - Saturday, May 27, 2000 at 23:34:53 (BST)
Have got the flu bug, found your site and feel much much better. Wish we could actually be there in the Lakes. Maybe next Bank Holiday we will get the chance.
Your web site is the best. Many thanks John for all your hard work, it is much appreciated.
Anne & Rob Rawson <>
Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England - Sunday, May 28, 2000 at 21:18:05 (BST)
An excellent, well-organized site; thanks! I'm living in Canada now but was born in the UK and we visited the Lake District often. I hope to come back sometime, to walk for miles in the countryside and photograph the beautiful scenery.
David Robins <>
Fonthill, Ontario, Canada - Monday, May 29, 2000 at 20:00:43 (BST)
We found your site both accessible and easy to use, within miniutes we had found a walk in the area that we were visiting and your equivalent distance calculator helped us to find a route that was both within our ability yet strenuous. We walked Skiddaw via Longside Edge, and found the walk most enjoyable with few other walkers fallowing the same route. The narrative manner in which the route was described made it all the more enjoyable. If we had to suggest any improvements it would be slightly more detail in terms of reference points, particularly the Dash Falls section, although we didn't actually get lost! We will certainly use this site in future and recommend it to our friends.
Emma, Adam and Neil <>
Lancaster, Lancashire, England - Monday, May 29, 2000 at 21:59:29 (BST)
Thanks for all the work you have put into this brilliant site. Have only just found it and already want to start another walk in the mountains. Your waypoint info is very useful, not much on the web like it that I have found. If you know of more sites with free data for GPS systems I would be glad to hear. Although map & compass have served me well it does get a bit cloudy at times, hence the new GPS eTrex. The Lake District is without doubt my favorite walking area in the world (sorry Canada, we have pubs!.
David Staniforth <>
Cardiff, South Glamorgan, UK - Friday, June 16, 2000 at 10:01:21 (BST)
A splendid site!
It will be september before I will be able to visit the Lake District
again. Your site is the next best thing to being there.
Best regards.
Alvin Wild <>
Darley Dale, Derbyshire, UK - Sunday, June 18, 2000 at 20:34:43 (BST)
Love the site. Images that would bring a tear to a glass eye. I've been living away from England for over 6 years now but there's never a day goes by when I don't miss my old stomping ground. The smell and silence of a lazy summer evening outside the pub at Strawberry Bank, pint in hand. Or watching the sun go down over Harrison Stickle in the Langdale Valley. I wasn't a prolific walker of the fells but a very regular visitor since I was fortunate enough to live and work in Lancaster. I envy anyone fortunate enough to live in my favourite part of the world. Thanks
Paul Smith <>
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia - Thursday, June 29, 2000 at 09:40:57 (BST)
I am planning a trip, an exercise programme really, preparation for the Himalayas in February. I am definately a novice to all this, but it has been suggested that the Lake District is a good start. Any suggestions for the best places to walk, in a long weekend trip. Local 'kit out' shop has suggested Stickle Tarn, Harrison Pike, Bowfell, Pike of Blisco, Crickle Crags. Are these good venues. How would i obtain maps? B & B etc.,
S McGlynn <>
Wraysbury, Berkshire, UK - Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 23:35:53 (BST)
Superb site. I am returning to the lakes for ashort holiday after over 20 years and am becoming very excited. The discovery of this excellent web site only adds to the excitment.
Geoff Williams
Geoff Williams <>
Farnborough, Hants, UK - Friday, July 07, 2000 at 22:14:10 (BST)
I spend many hours browsing your photos of places i've climbed and of those i've yet to do.Favorite to date must be Hellvellyn via striding edge in Dec. '99 in very wintery conditions with a slippery descent down swirrel edge.A.brilliant web site.
Peter Richardson
BEDALE, North yorkshire, - Saturday, July 15, 2000 at 15:18:43 (BST)
This site is great, I especially like the decriptions of the walks with the photos. It'll certainly be a great help when I go camping in the Lake District, which will be soon. This website has now taken up permanent residence in my "Faviorites" folder, keep up the good work!
Eric Jutrzenka <>
Manchester, UK - Sunday, July 16, 2000 at 02:22:19 (BST)
What a great site, hope you don't mind if I put you in as a link on my web page, if you wish to visit, please do. It is a lovely, quiet, and comfortable guest house in Windermere. I hope to do all your great walks.
Nicole <>
Windermere, Cumbria, UK - Sunday, July 23, 2000 at 15:44:06 (BST)
What an amazing website!! I found it by accident and have added it to my favourites. I actually cried when I found the photo of Newlands valley from Dale Head as it brought such wonderful memories flooding back from an excellent week last year.My husband and I were on Catbells at the weekend and have now become addicted to the buzz of walking! We will definitely be using this fab site to find more routes and will recommend it to all of our friends!!!
Thankyou for akll of the hard work!
Catherine Cape
Catherine Cape <>
Burnopfield, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England - Tuesday, July 25, 2000 at 14:09:08 (BST)
John, as predicted, four of us followed your recommended route to Scafell Pike from Seatwhaite on July 22nd. We stayed at Stonethwaite camp-site, which has a great pub on it's doorstep, and the weather was glorious. Still, that didn't stop me from missing the path to Sty Head (how ?!!), which meant taking in Green Gable and Great Gable, before spotting the Corridor Route up to Scafell Pike (what a shame !!). This site is an absolute must for anyone wishing to go walking in The Lakes. Many thanks.
Dave Embrey <>
Wolves, West Midlands, England - Tuesday, July 25, 2000 at 22:44:41 (BST)
Excellent site - well done!!
Brian <>
Northumberland, - Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 10:57:40 (BST)
What a wonderful site. You should be paid for this! We intend to visit on August bank holiday and are thinking of camping at Seathaite so that we have easy access to Scafel Pike from this direction. Have done Bow Fell from the Langdales. Is there anyone who does a similar guide to Lake District camps sites?
Bridget <>
King's Lynn, Norfolk, UK - Monday, August 07, 2000 at 12:51:53 (BST)
Very nice site, enjoy the pictures. Does anyone know the origin
of the Lanty name used for Lanty's Tarn?
Michael Lanty <>
San Angelo, Texas, USA - Tuesday, August 08, 2000 at 05:39:56 (BST)
The quality of this website is quite stunning. I stumbled accross it by accident and will be returning often. Thank you very much for a useful and inspiring collection of information.
Alan Black <>
Great Brickhill, Bucks., UK - Monday, August 14, 2000 at 21:02:10 (BST)
As an Expat living in the US, I can honestly say that if I ever return to the UK, it will be to see the Lake District again. Having been brought up in Devon, I found the Lake District far superior in natural beauty and I look forward to the time when I will tramp those hills once more and absorb the magic and mystery of the whole area.
Wendy Roy <>
Colorado Springs, Colorado, US - Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 00:22:28 (BST)
This site is what keeps me sane while I am not walking on the fells, which is not often enough. Thanks for a breath of virtual fresh air.
Peter Cross <>
Chester, Cheshire, UK - Thursday, August 24, 2000 at 22:46:08 (BST)
Excellent site i havent had time to look at it all yet i think i will spend a lot longer looking round
keith <>
Liverpool, England, - Saturday, August 26, 2000 at 15:21:10 (BST)
As many have said before me this is a brilliant site and raised my spirits just by looking. A number of walks have been printed off with the hope of completing them next week. Many thanks. It is our ambition to live in this most beautiful part of the country too!
Alison Jones <>
Beaconsfield, Bucks, UK - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 22:43:08 (BST)
We love the lake district and can now recall many happy hours on the fells whilst watching your lovely videos. Thanks for the memories ... !
Lesley Kemp <>
Milton Keynes, Bucks, - Sunday, September 17, 2000 at 21:44:19 (BST)
Superb site... really good sets of info and I am especially pleased to find a site that has GPS navigation as an integral part of it.. my GPS came in very useful last week when fogged out on Red Pike. Keep up the site it rocks.
Bob <>
Rochdale, Lancashire, England - Wednesday, September 20, 2000 at 22:56:52 (BST)
A fabulous website. It is rare that so much information is compiled and published for the enjoyment of others without the writer expecting a monetary reward for his hard work. You are to be commended.
Andrew Simpson <>
Bolton, Lancs, England - Thursday, September 21, 2000 at 13:34:49 (BST)
"To the East you should be able to see......."
Having visited your site for the first time,the night before attempting Helvellyn via Striding Edge and back down again via Swirral Edge, it gave me through your excellent panoramic views a sight I could not have possibly seen on the day as the visibility on the tops was only a few feet.I looked up the views again as soon as I returned home and it put the whole days walk into perspective. I look forward to seeing it all again, hopefully clear and bright.
If all else fails I can always view the fells from your site,and bore my children with "Been up there slipped down that" stories.
Ron Grierson <>
Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, UK - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 20:41:11 (BST)
I have great joy in visiting your web site. It saves me so much time in planning walks etc. Keep up the excellent work. Its on MY favorites and I'm spreading the word. Keep up the good work. Geof Avery.
Godfrey Avery <>
Basingstoke, Hampshire, - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 15:59:00 (BST)
This site is just great, thanks for all the hard work. Your love for the Lake district must be greater than mine 10 fold. How lucky we are to have such a beautiful country.
Kevin Riddehough <>
Blackburn, Lancashire, England - Monday, October 09, 2000 at 19:05:30 (BST)
Well done for such an excellent site. I especially enjoyed the description of walks around Helvellyn, as I climed this peak in july. The scenery is truly breathtaking and I can't wait to go back!
Ed Pentney <>
Taunton, Somerset, UK - Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 11:44:50 (BST)
Gearing up for the sixth walking trip with a route taken from your site, actually a repeat of the first - Coniston I. Thanks for some excellent directions and many hours of enjoyment on the fells.
Peter Dollery <>
Danbury, Essex, - Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 21:24:57 (GMT)
A very nice site, quick loading and neat.
Keep up the good work. Enjoy the outdoors with care for the environment.
Un gran saludo from Argentina.
By the way, visit Patagonia some day too!
Austin Whittall <>
Temperley, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 15:05:44 (GMT)
my trip in the lake district was exciting. so I have appreciated your web site.
mary vozza <>
taranto, italy, italy - Saturday, November 04, 2000 at 22:01:23 (GMT)
What can I say? An excellent site with great descriptions and directions.
Though I have lived in Cumbria for three years, this year is the first time I have done any serious walking.
Your site and that of Ann Bowker and her photographs were my inspiration.
Visit Ann’s site and be mesmerised by her photography.
John O'Neill <>
Arlecdon, Cumbria, UK - Sunday, November 05, 2000 at 18:56:44 (GMT)
I've fallen in love with this site ! I moved to Australia 8 monthe ago and for a media assignment i had to create a web page .While looking for pictures to put on my web site i stumbled across yours! We used to visit the Lakes nearly every weekend and i'm now realising how homesick i really am , Well i'm missing theb lakes not Leeds! Thank you and ill be in the lakes soon.
Louise Wilkins
Padbury, Prth, Western Australia - Monday, November 06, 2000 at 02:10:35 (GMT)
very good website
jim <>
Ipswich (suffolk), east anglia, england - Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 13:20:12 (GMT)
Thanks for a brilliant site that proved essential for planning my recent trip to the Lake District. Following your reply we climbed Harrison Stickle in the rain, to be greeted by sunshine and blue sky on arrival at Stickle Tarn. However, thinking I'd cracked it I chose the difficult (incorrect!) path between Pavey Ark and Harrison Stickle and ended up walking down to join the Cumbria Way at Stake Pass. No matter, it turned out to be a very enjoyable descent back into the valley following the river back to the car park.
The pictures on your site are an inspiration and we will be back to tackle the fells in the Wasdale area, in the Spring.
Keep up the good work.
Mike & Emma
Mike Catlow
Horsham, West Sussex, England - Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 15:55:25 (GMT)
Wonderful site . Having stayed and worked in the Lake Districts for one and a half years my memories of the fells and the walks that we did are always on my mind . I was fortunate enough to have been able to work at the Wasdale Head Inn so the Western Lakes was my playground . This site really makes one indulge in nostalgia as I now stay in Edinburgh . Many thanks for a grand site .
Peter de Villiers <>
Edinburgh, eh7 5ug, - Thursday, November 09, 2000 at 02:38:40 (GMT)
I have some Dutch friends to entertain over the Christmas/New Year period. I thought some significant hills would be different. These guys are fit and like a challenge, but I will have a dog too and don't like the thought of breaking any bones. What walks could anyone recommend/or positively discourage that will be challenging but not life threatening and will place the Lake District firmly in their memories?
Natalie <>
Oxfordshire, UK - Friday, November 17, 2000 at 19:23:54 (GMT)
A well-designed and well assembled web site. Comprehensive too, with accurate descriptions of the trails. The photos make this site particularly special and are of a very high standard - excellent work! Just one thing John - how do you get the sky to look so blue?
Jeremy Pearson <>
Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, England - Wednesday, November 22, 2000 at 16:17:22 (GMT)
Thanks for the site.Im sitting here and its 35C outside and I can browse your photos and imagine Im in England.Id quite forgotten how beautiful it was. Ive linked your site to my dads rambling club site in Fleetwood,Lancashire.Is this ok?( to get him to buy me your screensaver. Cheers
Steve Bond <>
Sydney, NSW, Australia - Sunday, December 03, 2000 at 00:29:49 (GMT)
Wonderful site with some truly inspiring photographs. Keeps me content during the winter months when I'm forced away from the Lakes myself. Look forward to the spring when I can hitch my way across to the Lakes and try some of the walks described here!
Iain Foulds <>
Durham, - Wednesday, December 06, 2000 at 12:04:50 (GMT)
Lovely pix and a very well constructed site. Came to your site John, through Dave's Lakeland site. Also regularly visit Ann Bowker and Tony Richards sites - now will have to add yours too. Visited the Lake District in April 1998 and (despite the continual rain for 3 days) loved it. At that time not many tourists about. We might get back there some day. Cheers for now
Glad & John
John & Glad Munro <>
Toowoomba , Queensland, Australia - Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 01:07:54 (GMT)
Very impressed with the site, especially the outstanding panoramic views. I only manage to get to the lakes three or four times a year, so this helps bridge the gap!
Thanks for the escapism.
Kieran O'Sullivan <>
Drogheda, Louth, Ireland - Wednesday, January 03, 2001 at 01:15:10 (GMT)
I am planning to walk the Furness Way at the beginning of May 2001 is there anybody who can give me some good pointers on where to stop on the way. Or any good books worth looking at I already have Paul Hannon's book The Furness Way are there any others.
John Howell <>
Blackpool, Lancashire, England - Friday, January 05, 2001 at 23:32:50 (GMT)
A wonderful site - perhaps the best UK site for dedicated walkers. If you are happy for me to do so, I plan to add a link to your site to the "Guests Page" of my holiday cottage web site. I can think of no better way to inspire my guests to visit the most beautiful part of England and to get the most out of their holidays!
John Paterson <>
St Johns in the Vale near Keswick, Cumbria, United Kingdom - Saturday, January 06, 2001 at 20:25:07 (GMT)
What an absolutely beautiful web site. The photos are amazing especially the panoramic ones.
Mary Lunn <>
Otley, West Yorkshire, UK - Tuesday, January 09, 2001 at 17:45:09 (GMT)
Brilliant Site. I have now walked three of the routes and am due to do Bowfell to Scafell in two weeks. Very useful GPS section. Keep up the great work.
Simon Collins <>
Kirton, n. Lincs, UK - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 10:39:14 (GMT)
Great pictures & walks especially the Bowfell Panorama!
Dave Wainwright <amberley>
Exeter, Devon, - Thursday, January 25, 2001 at 22:38:18 (GMT)
I first discovered this website about three years ago when my wife and I were preparing to go on another holiday to the Lakes. I discovered a photo of Little Langdale Tarn, which was where we would be staying, and copied the photo to use as my wallpaper on the computer at work. Lots of people stopped by my desk and asked what the photo was; I was able to reply that it was where I would be in a cuople of week's time, thus ensuring plenty of envious comments. Now, whenever I miss the Lakes, I just have to go into this website and be transported back. I can't wait for my next visit, this Summer, maybe Jake's Rake on Pavey Ark at last!
chris pink <>
bentley, suffolk, england - Wednesday, February 07, 2001 at 19:00:04 (GMT)
Very pleasant reading and viewing for a fell-loving Cumbrian exile! Congratulations on the walks descriptions.
John Sands <>
Chester, - Sunday, February 11, 2001 at 18:12:30 (GMT)
Very much enjoyed tour round the lakes thanks
isobel guthrie <isobel.guthrie_AT_letitbe thus>
glasgow, - Wednesday, February 28, 2001 at 10:58:01 (GMT)
This is a fantastic Website. I've been walking the Cumbrian Fells for many years but still found much to interest me on these pges.
Dave Brown <>
Morecambe, Lancashire, England - Friday, March 16, 2001 at 21:01:58 (GMT)
Great site
- Wednesday, March 28, 2001 at 07:43:32 (BST)
Thanks for your site, it's fantastic!
I'm now fifty three and have been walking the tops since I was twenty. A late starter! I can't get up them any more because of a walking complaint called FSP. But I have my memories and your site brings it all here to me.
I thank you again, Geoff.
PS. If you can do it, do it now!
Geoff <>
Darwen, Lancashire, England - Monday, April 09, 2001 at 11:14:17 (BST)
Was just browesing trying to locate relative in Ireland and came acorss your site. Just beautifull. I'v always wanted to visit and after seeing pictures I now have set mind on it and this will be the first spot to visit on my list. Thank you for such a lovly site to view. Have a good day , Susan Burgess
Susan Burgess <>
St.Thomas, Ont., Canada - Thursday, April 19, 2001 at 22:21:08 (BST)
Thank goodness for this wonderful website because of the terrible F&M outbreak we cannot walk our lovely lake district its nice to be able to sit a surf arround dreaming of when we can return.Thankyou
sam mckinlay <sammck2002>
barrow in furness, cumbria, - Wednesday, April 25, 2001 at 16:46:27 (BST)
This is such an amazing site,filled with the most beautiful photographs we have ever seen. we can't wait until we can actually visit the places for our 50th anniversary. keep up the good work
lucy and rhys
chippenham, wiltshire, england - Thursday, April 26, 2001 at 11:15:51 (BST)
Enjoyed the web site, lots of useful info. Lake district is the perfect place to get away to escape our recent relationship problems!
Kathryn and Fiona
Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK - Thursday, April 26, 2001 at 11:26:41 (BST)
I have a collection of walking sticks and a number of them have an emblem on them. These emblems are from different European cities etc. I also have quite a few from Victoria, B.C. Canada where I live and other North American Cities.. Can you tell me where I could obtain other emblems or mounts. These are the metal type that are nailed to the stick. Any help would be much appreciated. I am trying to obtain these from around the world.
Thanks for your help.
Ross Carbrey
804 Pepin Place
Victoria, B.C.
V8Z 6P3
Ross Carbrey <>
Victoria, B.C., Canada - Tuesday, May 01, 2001 at 19:22:31 (BST)
My husband and I will be staying at a relative's home in the Lake District this summer, so I thought I'd find some photos of the area. Beautiful!! You know, it looks just like Oregon :-). But imagine a state the size of the entire United Kingdom filled with such beauty... from temperate rain forests to high desert vistas very similar to the photos I'm seeing on this site. I think I'll feel right at home. I can't wait!
Irish Eyes
Oregon, USA - Wednesday, May 02, 2001 at 14:52:55 (BST)
Just surfing for some digital photo tips and luckily Google pointed me your way,stunning photographs.We especially enjoyed the Thornthwaite Beacon panorama, it brought back happy memories of the Kentmere Round which is one of our favourite walks and of the tasty farmhouse tea we came upon as we descended into Kentmere.We will be back to your site.
Paul and Veryan <>
Newport Pagnell, Bucks, - Wednesday, May 02, 2001 at 22:05:01 (BST)
Just surfing for some digital photo tips and luckily Google pointed me your way,stunning photographs.We especially enjoyed the Thornthwaite Beacon panorama, it brought back happy memories of the Kentmere Round which is one of our favourite walks and of the tasty farmhouse tea we came upon as we descended into Kentmere.We will be back to your site.
Paul and Veryan <>
Newport Pagnell, Bucks, - Wednesday, May 02, 2001 at 22:06:36 (BST)
i really like your info about nova scotia and i was just wondering if you can give some info on tourism of nova scotia to my e-mail address
jeremy britt <>
ottawa, ontario, canada - Saturday, May 05, 2001 at 22:32:21 (BST)
Great site. Very useful. Fabulous photos. Im only 15 but have already fallen in love with the lakes. Keep up the good work on your site. See you all on the fells as soon as possible!
KT Smallwood
Crewe, Cheshire, England - Saturday, May 26, 2001 at 21:42:39 (BST)
As a native of Kendal until I moved to Richmond North Yorkshire, seeing
your site definatly makes me feel home sick.
Realy realy good web site, absolutely brilliant photography, so good is your site I have added a link to my own site, and as alf said put this all down in book form if you haven't done that already.
All the best
Davy <>
Richmond, North Yorkshire, England - Saturday, June 02, 2001 at 00:39:30 (BST)
fantastic day walking around coniston.Had a fantastic meal at Sattertwaite tea rooms.
sam <>
blackpool, lancs, u.k. - Friday, June 08, 2001 at 18:08:59 (BST)
A great site! The large pictures make excellent wallpaper for my work PC. These remind me of many happy days wandering the fells when I'm stuck at work!
Philip Mills <>
Bolton, Lancs, UK - Thursday, June 28, 2001 at 11:59:22 (BST)
A great site! The large pictures make excellent wallpaper for my work PC. These remind me of many happy days wandering the fells when I'm stuck at work!
Philip Mills <>
Bolton, Lancs, UK - Thursday, June 28, 2001 at 11:59:59 (BST)
as a keen vistor to the lakes, I found this site amazing, full of information with detailed walks and links to other relavant sites. With the current foot and mouth restrictions in place i'm reluctant to get up there, but this serves as a wonderful reminder as to what i'm missing. My girlfriend has never been to lakeland YET what a wonderful place she is missing out on!
daryl hoare <>
lincoln, lincolnshire - Friday, July 06, 2001 at 12:44:25 (BST)
I came to live here seven years ago after spending my honeymoon in keswick,my husband and Ilove the lake district and don`t think there is anywere on earth like it,must be the nearest place to heaven
barbara burgess <>
kendal, cumbria, england - Friday, July 06, 2001 at 21:49:30 (BST)
An excellent page I live here but love to browse the site.After spending our honeymoon at Keswick we were always drawn back to visit, and seven years ago decided to come and live here and have no regrets,we live faceing Potter Fell,what more could you wish for it must be the nearest place to heaven
barbara burgess <>
Bowston Kendal, Cumbria, England - Friday, July 06, 2001 at 22:08:48 (BST)
What a cracking site! Last weekend used Scafell from Langdale route. Beware, FMD closed return along the Band. Sunburned in morning, rainwashed at lunchtime, windblown in afternoon. Great day out.
Watch out though, Ambleside closes after 10pm so make sure you've eaten if arriving there late. Got good food and amusing service at Walkers Bistro. Steak and stuff for £5!!! Recommend it.
I'll be back.
David Rees <>
Harrogate, North Yorkshire, UK - Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 14:51:58 (BST)
Hi John
Is there any way of getting the visitor's book to display the latest messages first (ie at the top)?
Still the best site I know for detailed walk descriptions - you are a sort of digital www Wainwright!
John Paterson <>
Plymouth, Devon, - Monday, July 23, 2001 at 17:34:07 (BST)
A fabulous site that inspired my daughter and myself to walk up Helvellyn using part of one of your routes. Very useful info on access due to FMD. Will try some of the other routes now.
Lorna Banks <>
Garstang, Lancs, UK - Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 21:49:28 (BST)
What a great site. I particularly like the panoramic views.
It brought back our recent memories of the Fairfield horse-shoe.
Geoff Pyke <>
Ossett, West Yorks, England - Wednesday, August 15, 2001 at 20:52:53 (BST)
very good walking country
graham catlow <>
colne, lancs, england - Tuesday, August 21, 2001 at 13:11:04 (BST)
Used the information provided on this extensive site on a recent two week stay in the Lake District. EXCELLENT.... The entire holiday from the self catering cottage with Lakelovers (, through all the pub grub in Ambleside, Elterwater, Little Landgale and Grasmere was FIRST CLASS... We felt we were in gods own country and that we were treated like royalty.
Andrew Shaw <>
Dublin, Ireland - Thursday, August 23, 2001 at 19:18:46 (BST)
Just back from a week in the Landale Pikes. Would like to visit on a more
regular basis but travelling costs restictive. I am therefore looking for
keen walkers in Middlesbrough area to share petrol costs to Lakes at
mutually convenient times, perhaps once/month. Higher level walks of
particular interest, Jacks Rake, still havent done Striding Edge, Scafell
Pike etc. Experienced or not, please contact John Hayton at, or Tel. 01642 868105
John Hayton <>
Ingleby Barwick, Middlesbrough, - Monday, September 03, 2001 at 08:17:16 (BST)
what a great site, I work on the fells every day and your ppics do them justice,check out Pathfairies on for the other side of the fells and walking, once again well done I wish mine looked as competent
Paul Delaney <>
frizington, cumbria, - Tuesday, September 11, 2001 at 16:48:14 (BST)
Not sure how to cellebrate our 26th wedding anniversary we booked a cottage in Pooley Bridge and set off for Helellvyn via striding edge, wot a day.........we took in Nethermost and Dollywaggon on the way back down to Glenridding the car was a lovely sight after a long day but not as lovely as the pint of guinness at the travelers rest. Striding edge was a challange I was totally terrified and excited all at once, the cloud was low but luckily it was dry and the wind wasnt too troubling, unlike later in the day when the wind and rain put us under was a challange just fighting with our waterproofs.
If you havent done it do it, even though it is busy in terms of footpaths it isnt popular for nothing. Have climbed Snowden up the Pyg track and that was no where near as exiliarating even though it is bigger!
Enjoy Lorraine Littlewood.
P.s barton hall farm holiday cottages at pooley bridge highly recommended.
lorraine littlewood <>
Hull, England, East Yorkshire - Sunday, September 16, 2001 at 15:53:42 (BST)
Wow, what a day! We won't bore you with all the details, but we'd just like to say our recent walk up to Great Gable & Kirk Fell rewarded us with one of the best views the Lakes has ever given us. Sunshine all day helped somewhat! Next up is St Sundays Crag and Fairfield, so thanks for the info. Your site has helped us both plan many walks. Keep up the good work.
PS. The scramble down Great Gable Screes was a bit scary!
Ian and Lorraine <>
Blackpool, Lancashire, United Kingdom - Tuesday, September 18, 2001 at 21:55:12 (BST)
John and I had a lovely weekend in the lakes.Our first visit and we cant wait to return.Our attempt to climb the old man at coniston was a success,however a warning to all beginners like our selves.If you feel youve made a wrong turn ,go back - DONT follow GRAHAM.Hes the lovely guy with all the gear-waterproofs,walking sticks etc,looked like he knew what he was doingand where he was going...HE DIDNT!!!! That said, we finally found civilasation at a remote pub ( thank you for sorting us with a taxi home-well you didnt expect us to walk did you )and Graham enjoy the rest of your stay in Coniston and try not to get lost :-)
Emma John <>
Grimsby, N/E Lincs, England - Wednesday, October 03, 2001 at 13:33:06 (BST)
Nice to see the site looks as good as ever. We had a few exchanged mails some time ago John, I never picked them up due to problems and found you reply 3 months later TECHNOLOGY!!. Hope the phone problems you had back then are sorted. Keep up the excellent work and I am sure everybody agrees that I hope Cumbria comes through this Foot and Mouth sooner rather than later, so we can have full access.
Rob Evans <>
Chorley, Lancs, - Friday, October 12, 2001 at 21:55:47 (BST)
I found your Web site by accident. It is truly magnificent and one which the late Bishop Pearson would be proud of. I visited the old climbing hut at the rear of the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel and one in Wasdale many times with him and friends from about 1942 - 1945. I have many happy memories of ascents which we logged in the Log Books of the time. Your club badge is almost a replica of the Catholic Boys Association (CBA) which the Bishop founded in Blackpool before the last war."Ad Altiora" - Th Higher Things was the Club motto. I reckon I'll be looking into this site often
Tom Hogarth <>
Chatham, Kent, England - Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 20:22:41 (GMT)
A wonderful site.
Are you the same John Dawson I was at school with - with the same birthday as myself 14/4/41?
We are discussing Inny links with the Lake District on the Liobians chat group.
Discussion about HH Symonds and Friends of the Lake District led us to Troutal and Seatoller and the school's early properties there,
and the early Merseyside YHA movement - with early committee meetings in the Baz's office.
This led to "disclosure" of your web site.
Great stuff. Thanks.
If you are the same John Dawson - why not join us?
Jim Lycett.
Jim Lycett <>
Albany, Auckland, New Zealand - Monday, November 26, 2001 at 21:12:44 (GMT)
found you'r site about 12 months ago and got the ETrex summit just before you posted your test results. great bit of kit. also found recently is a fantastic GPS programm by a chap in Brazil (AUTHOR : Odilon Ferreira Junior)called GPS Trackmaker, similar to GPSU but better and its free to people who respect the outdoors. download it from he has just upgraded it to v11.6 and appears to keep it up to date. also dont overlook the english help files tmhelp_eng.
these are not large files (zipped)and well worth a look at.perhaps you could mention it in the GPS section of you'r great website.
would it also be possible for you to extend the GPS section to enable people to swap tracks routs ect ?
finally does anyone know where to get decent maps on CD at non lottery prices to plan GPS walks,at the moment I have to scan paper versions in fot the above programm.
Thanks for this very good site
pete <>
leeds, w,yorks, gb - Monday, November 26, 2001 at 23:05:28 (GMT)
im formly from white head guysborough co. canada. looking for munroes too fit my famley
merlyn r munroe <>
antigonish ns., nova scotia, canada - Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 04:12:46 (GMT)
Good site! I am planning a snow assent of Helvellyn in January 2002 and this has whetted my appetite. I haven't climbed in the lakes for nearly 15 years (except Scafell Pike on the 3 Peaks race at night!) and this site has reminded me of what I have been missing.
Steve O'Keefe <>
Cambridge , UK - Wednesday, December 26, 2001 at 20:07:09 (GMT)
What an excellent resource. Thanks for sharing.
Nick Mapletoft <>
Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, UK - Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 21:23:56 (GMT)
A brilliant site that has been really useful for someone like mebourne, East Sussex, - Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 20:40:04 (GMT)
I visited The Lake District on Sunday the 24/03/2002 with a friend and was
absolutely amazed at the sheer beauty of it all. When I was a nipper my
Father & Mother used to take my brother and I all over the lakes and
Scotland camping and at 22yrs old I am ashamed that I have neglected such
a wonderful place for all these years!! My friends and I can all drive now
and The Lake District is a place we will be visiting on a far more
frequent basis, we feel infected with the need to enjoy our fantastic
countrysi de and make the most of our relevant freedom. Your website, with
it's descriptions of routes and photos of peaks, crags and summits has
been invaluable, you have my eternal gratitude and thanks. Peace and
goodwill to all who genuinely enjoy the beautiful countryside that our
beloved country has to offer!! Walk on....
Adam Bage <>
Whitley Bay, Newcastle, North Tyneside, England - Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 01:43:54 (GMT)
Thank you John for a great site. My friends and I have selected a number
of walks from this site and have been truely amazed not only with the
descriptive quality but also the photo quality. Thank you for your time
and effort in offering this to all who love this area of Britain.
Paul Clay <>
Leeds, Yorkshire, England - Monday, April 01, 2002 at 21:19:54 (BST)
Hey John, hows it going, it is less than 12 months since i found this
site, and the growth of quality is enormous. Got a weekend at pooley
bridge coming up, got any ideas how to stretch my sisters legs a bit. And
if Our Jimmy Evans is looking on here, i want to see that photo of alans
rob evans <>
chorley, lancs, england - Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 00:46:13 (BST)
This site has brought back many happy memories of when I was able to walk
the fells.Unfortunately I am no longer able to walk due to a car
accident.The photos are really great.....I don't think mine are quite as
David C. Collins <>
Evesham , Worcs, United Kingdom - Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 21:54:07 (BST)
I think that your website is great, I am doing a GCSE in Geography and I
needed some information about different places in the Lake District and
even though I know the area well this was still a great help. I would
recommend the walk up Helvellyn as once the top is near there is a great
sense of achivement but not just that, there is a beautiful view!! I hope
any future walkers enjoy it as much as I did!!
Claire Fletcher <>
Ramsey, Isle of Man, UK - Monday, April 29, 2002 at 21:31:37 (BST)
I would just like to ask if anyone could email me with some excellent
walks that they could recommend in the Lake District area.
Thank you!
Claire Fletcher <>
Ramsey, Isle of Man, UK - Monday, April 29, 2002 at 21:41:53 (BST)
Just visited your site after the mention in uk.rec.walking. Excellent!
Joan McGalliard <mailto:jem*NO-SPAM*>
London, - Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 12:32:49 (BST)
One of the best sites ever visited. First visited the Lake District as a
schoolboy back in 1947 and stayed in Newlands Valley at Stair. From 1953
visited and stayed at Low Uzzicar, Newlands for nearly 20 years. The
photographs brought back many happy memories.
As a vintage camera
collector and keen photographer I would be very interested in details of
photographic equipment used.
Many thanks for a marvellous experience.
Brian Bartram <>
St. Austell, Cornwall, Great Britain - Friday, May 17, 2002 at 14:19:49 (BST)
I Discovered your site by mistake. excellent site i sent it to my bother
as we walk a lot to gether. great pics best site yet please send up
dates thanks
Debra Dawson <>
atherton, manchester, - Friday, May 17, 2002 at 21:16:02 (BST)
Jon i was inspired to look at your site after the high walk on camp. What a great site
Domimic <>
- Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 14:08:43 (BST)
First visit to this fantastic web site. I'm a novice to the lake District, and have found this web site to provide me with some excellant ideas. The detiled descriptions (inc alt & dist) plus the photographs are inspirational. A very big thank you to all concerned from me and my daughter. Ashleigh James.
Ashleigh James <>
Sleaford, Lincoln, UK - Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 00:18:44 (BST)
I love your web site. The lake district is to my favourite place in the world. I love exploring the fells and low land walks all by foot, but please put in a section on the central fells and walks south of Keswick and near Derwentwater, because this area to has it's strong beauty. Just like all the other areas of my favourite place the Lakedistrict!!
Jordan Barnard
Canvey Island, Essex, England - Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 12:58:19 (BST)
A notice has appeared at the bottom of Lord's Rake on Scafell, saying that a boulder in the Rake has become unstable and the Rake is for the moment considered unsafe. The problem is not obvious from the bottom. The notice does not say who is its author. Does anyone have any further information, please?
John Dunn <>
Cockermouth, - Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 13:26:59 (BST)
There was a rockfall on Lords rake over a year ago. It ocurred at the first col just above the entrance to the West Wall Traverse. The Wasdale MRT were asked to put the signs up to warn walkers of the problem. I have done the Rake and the West Wall traverse since and I know of others who have alsp done it. The main problem is a huge finger of rock. Its a case of "at your own risk" I'm afraid. I certainly felt happier doing the West Wall Traverse rather than carrying on up the rake. I don't think this site supports links but type or paste this into your browser for pictures I took this spring.
John Paterson <>
Plymouth, Devon, UK - Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 09:46:35 (BST)
Thanks for giving me the urge to get back to the Lake District. I walked the Kentmere Horseshoe on that perfect day of 7th September - but in the clockwise direction. Please note that parking on the road is not practicable - an hospitable landowner offers the use of a field for parking for £2
Stephen Taylor <>
Ely, - Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 21:58:03 (BST)
we travel round world but the beuty of the lakes can not beatin, all people on hill are helpful, super people, those who tried to find dog for me thank you, he was old and could not make it from lake.
sami wung
- Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 08:58:43 (BST)
What a tremendous website! The photos are absolutely top notch quality, and the views you have chosen superb. The scenery is so beautiful it made me cry. I have been considering a move to England and this has fanned the flame even more. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to take these photos and create this site.
Andrea Reynolds <>
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada - Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 21:59:07 (BST)
Dear John
Can you please highlight on your site that the walk from seathwaite is not the seathwaite in the duddon valley we have had many visitors turning up here by mistake having visited a web site? However many stay to walk in the valley and enjoy the area.
many thanks gail
gail batten <gail.seathwaitelodge_AT_btinternet>
Seathwaite Duddon Valley, cumbria, - Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 13:55:35 (BST)
i was due to go to norway last week for a walking holiday but on the day my girlfriend discoverd she had lost her passport, we then had a weeks holiday with no where to go. a quick look on the web i discovered this site and within half hour we had planned an alternative trip to the lake district using the maps and recomended routes on this site. i would just like to say thanks for helping make a disaster turn into a great holiday, just when you think the web is a waste of time! much apreciated.
mark turner <>
gloucester, uk - Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 16:09:37 (BST)
I have seen a UFO whilst on great mell fell near Airar force, has anbody else had any similar experiences.
Dennis Pencville <>
Bispham, Lancashire, - Friday, November 01, 2002 at 22:13:49 (GMT)
A fantastic website. I recently bought a Garmin etrex and have found the gps section very useful. Maybe I will see you out on the fells sometime.
David Hardie <>
Cockermouth, Cumbria, UK - Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 07:04:05 (GMT)
I have a club foot and find it difficult to walk long distances, can anybody recommend any short scenic walks.
Joanne Card <>
Middlesex, - Friday, November 29, 2002 at 18:43:12 (GMT)
I had the fortune of visiting the "Lake District" in 2000. Family ties to the area made me want to retrace footsteps. In particular I was looking for Aira Force Bridge (We passed a sign post to it but could not stop). I have not been able to find any references or photos till I stumbled on your site. Thanks so much for the beautiful photo. Family History which I am working on says there could be a family name on a placque on this bridge (Posssibly a vicar of Clifton Edward Mulholland Rice (1882 - 1899) or is it Sir Cecil Spring Rice his brother??. Maybe it is no longer visible. If any one knows any details or where I could get further information I would appreciate it. I plan to visit the area for a longer time in the future and perhaps also embark on a walk to view the bridge. Thanks so much.
Thelma Andersen (Nee Rice) <>
Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa - Friday, November 29, 2002 at 22:29:16 (GMT)
The photos are unbelievably gorgeous and I can only imagine how wonderfully romantic and awesome it would be to stroll along these walkways hand in hand with the one that makes your heart sing and your soul fly. Beautiful country---Hope to be there soon.
Margaret M. <>
/, Alberta, Canada - Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 03:19:36 (GMT)
Fantastic site which I am always coming back to. For interest, I have
stood on every summit in the Lakes at least once, some of them many times.
Now that the old legs are not so good, it is great to look at these
wonderful pictures and imagine myself up there again.
Peter Shields <>
Hartlepool, UK - Friday, December 20, 2002 at 12:16:42 (GMT)
I think this is a fantastic web site. I am a fequent visitor to the Lake District and usually rent a cabin somewhere with my wife and 2 dogs with the intention of doing lots of walking. I am very much an amateur in this area but thanks to this web site and my newly acquired GPS gadget good walks are easy to find now! THANKS!!!
Martin Hynd <>
Beith, North Ayrshire, Scotland - Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 09:31:24 (GMT)
I posted a message on the site a little while and was delighted to receive a personal e-mail from John Dawson thanking me for my entry. This was unexpected and I can't tell what it meant to me. The Lake District is a special place, unique in my view, and John has captured the very essence of it in his wonderful pictures. I don't know if I'll ever be able to climb those lovely fells again, but if I can't, this site will make that burden more bearable. Come on everyone, support John and let him know what a great job he's done.
By the way, whenever you are in the Lakes and look up at the summit of a fell - I've stood on it - at least no-one can take that away from me.
Don't dream it - do it!!
Peter Shields <>
Hartlepool, UK - Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 18:33:23 (GMT)
Entirely lovely. I am an Anglophile at heart, though my entire life has been spent locked in the plainsy midwest of America. In a year I hope to study abroad in England, and perhaps I will be able to run up to this Lake District. This website has convinced me that such an excursion is necessary, if not next year, at least at some point in my life! It seems a bit of heaven, really. Thank you for sharing a glimpse with those of us who cannot be there now.
Erica Romkema <>
Orange City, IA, USA - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 22:11:17 (GMT)
This site is fantastic, I remember my first visit to the high fells many years ago. It was a case of get your map out and off we went.
I am back up there in April, and shall be taking one of your routes to scafell pike, am staying near Ulpha, so the seathwaite route looks interesting. We shall e-mail you our progress up and down the pike.
Again, what a fantastic site.
All the very best and happy climbing.
Paul Shipley <>
Norwich, Norfolk, UK - Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 14:00:38 (GMT)
Hey I really like your site. I have found some of the information here
helpful. Thanks :)
Joe D.
Joe <>
Memphis, TN, US - Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 04:36:37 (GMT)
This is a good site and i needed to find out about the lake district for my geography homework an i found lots of useful info about the lake district, oh yeh and the pictures are good too!!!
I will probably visit again soon
Jessika x
ashford, kent, enland - Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 19:35:06 (GMT)
Great site, thank you for sharing it. Samantha Williams
Samantha Williams <>
USA, none, USA - Saturday, February 15, 2003 at 03:30:30 (GMT)
Wonderful site. I cannot think of words good enough to praise it.
Is there an easy way to find any new additions to the list of walks?
Dave Jervis <>
Liverpool, Merseyside, England - Monday, February 17, 2003 at 12:39:41 (GMT)
chris and graham <>
preston, lancs, england - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 at 21:39:02 (GMT)
An absoulutly fab experience and definitly going again! I would most recommend this place to any who wants a peaceful holiday. And the sights are fasinating!
Rachael Nicol <>
Weston-Super-Mare, North Somerset, England - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 09:20:03 (GMT)
What a brill site ! its that good i have linked to it from my site if the owner of the site would like to link back to mine i would be gratefull. But if you don't i won't be upset cause this one of best sites i have come across.
Peter Reed <>
Windermere, Lake District, UK - Monday, February 24, 2003 at 23:29:45 (GMT)
First time been on this web site looks very good
mick warren <>
preston, lancs, england - Thursday, February 27, 2003 at 21:53:26 (GMT)
What a great site,got my boots on already
Pete Tyers <>
Gedling, Nottingham, UK - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 14:49:15 (GMT)
loved the site, pleasure to view. really liked the panoramic photos. love to join you for a hike sometime
George Hunt
kendal, Cumbria, England - Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 11:49:55 (GMT)
cant wait to get my boots dirty!
scott bradshaw
- Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 12:04:04 (GMT)
hi, my compliments for your nice regards
USA - Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 19:31:36 (GMT)
Fantastic web site - great detail re: ideas for walks, comprehensive list of lakeland fells (though, inevitably, I felt the need to add to the list!!) and great photos. Great way to compare views from walks done with those on this site especially in terms of weather conditions...
notts, UK - Sunday, March 16, 2003 at 01:46:32 (GMT)
My daughter and I did the Yoke Spur/ Caudale Moor walk yesterday (18 March 2003) on an incomparably beautiful Spring day. However, I have to report that (according to my OS digital map, and confirmed by my GPS receiver) the total ascent is much nearer 3,700 feet than John Dawson's claimed 2,500! So be warned, but just gird your tired loins - it's a great walk; thanks for the inspiration.
John Andelin <>
- Wednesday, March 19, 2003 at 09:57:13 (GMT)
John is correct, I had made a mistake in my calculations. I've adjusted the figures on the appropriate walk pages accordingly.
The Author
Just surfing through and found your site. Liked it and thought I'd drop a note. I'll be back! - Sam _AT_ Backpacking Tents .Net
Backpacking Tents <>
Redmond, WA, USA - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 16:30:02 (GMT)
Excellent site.
I'm planning a trip to the Lake District in a few weeks' time, and found this very useful, especially the detailed walk descriptions.
Cardiff, Wales - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 at 15:28:30 (GMT)
Thank you John - have just discovered your wonderful site. We have been visiting the Lakes for twenty years now and have covered quite a few of the walks listed. Now we are 64 and 71 respectively and age is catching up with us we are much slower getting up them there hills but visiting your site I can relive every moment when we younger.
Eve Piggott
Horsham, West Sussex, - Sunday, March 30, 2003 at 21:00:03 (BST)
Great site, I'm starting to look into walks for holidays. Modern life just seems so much hard work sometimes :-)
The only thing I'm not sure about is the difficulty of the walks, I have walking boots etc.. but none of this GPS gadgetry i'm afraid.
Thanks for sharing your walks so I can feel more relaxed even sitting in front of a computer in polluted Blackburn.
Darren T <>
Blackburn, Lancs, UK - Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 18:17:05 (BST)
Hi, good site visitas virtuales, imagen virtual, panoramicas, paseos virtuales, panoramas, inmersiva, fotografia 360
visitas virtuales <>
- Friday, April 18, 2003 at 13:02:18 (BST)
Hello, my husband an I are planning to make a trip to the Lake District this summer. We like to hike and visit some beautiful, nice places. We are planning to stay from 14 till 25 July 2003. The area is so large, we really don't know what to choose ! Tips for beautiful walks and places to visit are welcome (we like panoramic views and mountains). Thanks in advance. Marleen & Geert (Belgium)
Marleen <>
Sint-Truiden, Belgium - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at 13:05:06 (BST)
great web page,will be trying some of these walks when we visit the lakes again for the 7th time
mic+heather cooke <>
ripley, derbyshire, u.k - Sunday, May 18, 2003 at 14:16:39 (BST)
This is a great website. Greetings. buscadores
buscadores <>
USA - Friday, May 23, 2003 at 23:40:07 (BST)
Very nice site, very informative and some great pictures. The Lake District truely is a wonderful area of the world.
Keep up the good work! :-)
James <>
Derbyshire, UK - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 22:52:56 (BST)
Have just spent an hour browsing your site. What a beaut!
I am a great lover of the Lakes and eagerly look forward to my next trip when I may try one or two of you suggested walks.
How can I take photos like yours? They are superb.
David Lyall <>
Huddersfield, West Yorks, uk - Thursday, June 05, 2003 at 20:12:34 (BST)
I downloaded the Skiddaw via Ullock Pike route prior to our first camping holiday in the Lakes and wish I had obtained more before leaving home. The directions were superb and the route was far superior to the "tourist route" from Keswick that so many visitors follow.
I had a heart bypass 18 months ago (I'm 55) and I can't tell you the joy I experienced when I stood on the summit of my first mountain, real confirmation that everything had been worthwhile. What a glorious feeling! A few days later we climbed Cat Bells and High Spy. We shall certainly return to The Lake District.
Thanks for the inspiration to make such a personal achievement, John.
Brian Thornton <>
Christchurch, Dorset, England - Sunday, July 13, 2003 at 12:31:14 (BST)
John, despite my friends car engine blowing up, just outside Keswick, we enjoyed Helvellyn and Striding Edge, from Patterdale on Saturday. Once again, the weather turned out to be glorious. Could you give me a bit of advice? I want to know whether it's possible to walk Skiddaw and Blencathra, in one go? I'm planning on returning at the end of September and would like to take in Hall's Fell and Sharp Edge.
Dave Embrey <>
Wolves, West-Mids., England - Tuesday, July 15, 2003 at 14:08:50 (BST)
Dear John, I have been to the Lakes many times now, as it was my family's favourite holiday destination and I have been back with friends. I think it is the most beautiful place in the world, becuase of its intimacy - especially when the mountains are so familiar to you. However, I haven't had the opportunity to go for nearly two years and have frequent withdrawal symptoms so to spend a lunchtime losing myself in your descriptions and photographs is wonderful. I have done many of your walks so it really is like seeing old friends again. Until my next trip up there, thank you very much from one weary London office worker.
Liz Boulton <>
London, - Friday, August 01, 2003 at 11:06:46 (BST)